Comprehensive Review of the Effects of Diabetes on Ocular Health
Conjunctiva . Diabetic patients are at increased risk of developing conjunctival bacterial infections, [8,9] including acute infectious conjunctivitis.
Diagnosis and Management of Malignant Tumors of the Eye
Cite this: Diagnosis and Management of Malignant Tumors of the Eyelid, Conjunctiva, and Orbit - Medscape - Jan 01, 2008. Abstract and Introduction Malignant Eyelid Tumors & Predisposing Lesions
Treating Squamous Carcinomas of the Conjunctiva and Cornea
Mar 8, 2012 · The tumor was localized to the bulbar conjunctiva in 25% of cases. Invasion onto the cornea was seen in 72%, onto the sclera in 5%, into the uvea in 1%, and into the orbit in 2% of the eyes.
Viral Conjunctivitis vs Bacterial Conjunctivitis - Medscape
Feb 9, 2006 · Typical Clinical Signs of Conjunctivitis; Type of Conjunctivitis Clinical Signs; Allergic/Immunologic: Seasonal allergic: Bilateral. Conjunctival injection, chemosis, watery discharge, mild mucus ...
Nevus of Ota: Clinical Aspects and Management - Page 6
Ocular pigmentation is common in nevus of Ota, and affects from 22%-77% of patients with pigmentation affecting the sclera, iris, and conjunctiva (Figure 7).
Diagnosis and Management of Malignant Tumors of the Eye
After removal of the tumor, double freeze-thaw cryotherapy is applied to the conjunctival margins, and the conjunctiva is closed using absorbable sutures. Topical chemotherapy with MMC (0.02-0.04% ...
Confocal Microscopy: Diagnosing Corneal and Conjunctival
The normal tarsal conjunctiva shows a thin epithelium composed of 2–3 layers of small, cuboidal epithelial cells by IVCM. The epithelium is moderately infiltrated by inflammatory cells with a ...
Modern Management of Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia
[1,2] The tarsal conjunctiva is less frequently involved. The lesions appear macroscopically as gelatinous (Figure 1), leukoplakic, papilliform (Figure 2), nodular or diffuse, and may be flat or ...
Ophthalmic Medications in Pediatric Patients - Page 2 - Medscape
Systemic absorption occurs via the conjunctiva, oropharynx, gastrointestinal system and skin (secondary to overflow from the eye). Without punctal occlusion, as much as 90% of an eye drop may be ...
Arch Ophthalmol - Content Listing - Medscape
Dec 1, 2012 · 2012 - 130 (12) Treatment of oxidative stress with chelation therapy. December 01, 2012 [ MEDLINE Abstract] In memoriam: Denis Michael O'Day, MD (1935-2012).