Cher Lynn Hughes Murdered in Panama; Texas Man Suspected …
Jul 27, 2010 · PANAMA CITY (CBS/AP) Cher Lynn Hughes, an American woman who lived in Panama, was missing for four months when her remains were found last week in a shallow …
Cher Lynn Hughes and Bo Islar Murders: How Did They Die? Who …
May 16, 2023 · American ex-pats living on the island of Bocas del Toro were pretty concerned when Bo Islar went missing in December 2009. However, it stopped feeling like a coincidence …
Catching Wild Bill and Jane: The End of a Killing Spree in Panama
Jul 13, 2016 · It was in 2008 in Darklands when Holbert and Reese met Cher Hughes and her husband, Keith Werle. Holbert digressed to describe a couple of boozy parties where some of …
2 Americans sentenced in Panama for 5 murders - CBS News
Aug 15, 2017 · In 2010, Holbert killed Cheryl Lynn Hughes, a native of St. Louis, Missouri, who ran a small hotel in Panama, and Bo Icelar, former owner of a gallery in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
How a small-time crook became a ruthless killer — with a passion …
Jul 10, 2016 · Cher Hughes and her husband, Keith Werle, had been friends with Holbert and Reese. “The two couples had a casual, boozy friendship,” writes Foster. In 2010, after a split …
Aug 23, 2010 · Jackie belonged to a woman named Cheryl Lynn Hughes, a 53-year-old American expatriate who had a house about a mile and a half away. Hughes, who moved to Panama …
Aug 17, 2010 · Cheryl Lynn Hughes, 53, vanished in March and family members feared for months that something bad had happened to her. Her body later was found buried. Her family …
Cher Hughes: St. Louis Woman Murdered in Panama Subject of
Oct 25, 2010 · Remember the story of Cher (Cheryl) Hughes -- the St. Louis woman whose body was found lying in a shallow grave in Panama earlier this year? Hughes had moved to Bocas …
Family of woman slain in Panama help investigation
Aug 9, 2010 · Hughes, 54, a native of St. Louis, owned a small hotel in Panama and had lived in the Central American country for 10 years before she was reported missing in late March. Her …
A Serial Killer in Paradise - YouTube
The disappearance of 53-year old Cher Lynn Hughes from her paradise-like home set off an investigation that led to the search for a serial killer in Panama i...