All Asiimov Skins - CSGOSKINS.GG
Browse and buy all Asiimov skins in CS2. Check prices, see the price history, view screenshots, and more for every Asiimov skin.
All Asiimov Skins - CS2 Skins - Clash.gg
Browse all CS2 skins named Asiimov. Check skin market prices, inspect links, rarity levels, case and collection info, plus StatTrak or souvenir drops.
The AWP | Asiimov is one of 134 other Sniper Rifle skins. The rarity of the skin is Covert, which makes the Asiimov a super rare drop with an estimated drop chance of only 0.64%.
- Reviews: 3.3K
AK-47 | Asiimov - CSGOSKINS.GG
The AK-47 | Asiimov has received over 6.9K votes on CSGOSKINS.GG, leading to an average rating of 4.4 out of 5 stars. The skin is currently also owned by the professional CS2 players …
- Reviews: 7K
Asiimov - Counter-Strike Wiki
The Asiimov skin family is a community-made finish made by Coridium that has been custom painted with a sci-fi design. It is inspired by the science fiction author, Isaac Asimov. The …
All About Asiimov Skins & Best Combos - CS.MONEY
Feb 5, 2024 · The Asiimov series is one of the most iconic skins in Counter-Strike. Moreover, when people hear about CS, they most likely think about Asiimovs and vice versa. This …
AWP | Asiimov — skin on CS:GO/CS2 Wiki by CS.MONEY
Detail information about AWP | Asiimov: prices, history, interesting facts about skin as well as popular skin stickers on CS:GO/CS2 Wiki. You can buy AWP | Asiimov on the site CS.MONEY.
All Asiimov skins — CS:GO/CS2 Wiki by CS.MONEY
Detail information about CS:GO/CS2 Asiimov skins: series skins list, prices, weapon description on CS:GO/CS2 Wiki. You can buy Asiimov skins on the CS.MONEY site.
All Asiimov CS2 Skins | Total CS
A searchable list of all knife and weapon skins belonging to the Asiimov family in Counter-Strike 2.
AK-47 | Asiimov (Field-Tested) — Trade CS:GO/CS2 skins on ... - CS…
AK-47 | Asiimov is designed in a sci-fi style using white, black, and orange colors. The pattern is remarkable for many small details such as crosses (framed with corners) on the forend and …
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