Bernard Hill appreciation : r/lotr - Reddit
Jul 9, 2021 · Bernard Hill was a huge fan and made his own audition tape. He originally read for Gandalf, but the time commitment deterred him from pursuing it any further (the filmmakers had McKellen in mind for the role, anyway) and he accepted the role of Theoden, over early candidates Patrick Stewart and Kevin Conway.
Bernard Hill: Titanic and Lord of the Rings actor dies : r/lotr - Reddit
301 votes, 18 comments. 933K subscribers in the lotr community. A place to discuss Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit, and any of Tolkien's work!
Anyone else think Bernard Hill was criminally underrated in
Aug 12, 2023 · Bernard Hill is a great actor but Smith comes off as kind of a lovable but incapable doofus. The man was HIGHLY regarded in the transatlantic shipping community and had an almost perfect safety record leading up to the sinking.
Bernard Hill final scene in TITANIC (1997) but I have a question…
No one knows truly what happened to Captain Edward JOHN Smith. I’ve read numerous testimonies from the US Inquiries into the 1912 sinking that stated passengers saw him swim with an infant to a nearby lifeboat, hand the baby off to the passengers in the boat, and then swim back to the ship.
Bernard Hill Dies Age 79 : r/lotr - Reddit
Nú on théostrum licgeth Théoden / Bernard se léofa hæ´letha holdost. ne sceal hearpan sweg wigend weccean; ne winfæ´t gylden guma sceal healdan, ne god hafoc geond sæ´l swingan, ne se swifta mearh burhstede beatan. Bealocwealm hafað fréone frecan forth onsended
Bernard Hill appreciation post : r/lotr - Reddit
A Murder at the End of the World--A mystery series with a new kind of detective at the helm – a Gen Z amateur sleuth and tech-savvy hacker named “Darby Hart” (Emma Corrin).
Arkenstone Bernard Hill memorial : r/lotro - Reddit
May 5, 2024 · Arkenstone Bernard Hill memorial Today Arkenstone came together once again to honour the late Bernard Hill. “For he was a gentle heart and a great king and kept his oaths; and he rose out of the shadows to a last fair morning.”
RIP Bernard Hill… but I do have a question. : r/titanic - Reddit
Recently re-watched The Bounty and couldn't believe what a great cast it had! Mel Gibson, Anthony Hopkins, Edward Fox and Laurence Olivier as well as Daniel Day-Lewis, Liam Neeson and Bernard Hill in supporting roles before they became famous.
RIP Bernard Hill: 1944-1979 : r/lordoftherings - Reddit
A place to freely discuss all things Tolkien or Middle-Earth related! We welcome everyone: From newbies to lore experts, from memers to artists.
'Lord Of The Rings' star Bernard Hill hits out at 'The Rings ... - Reddit
Never heard of anyone putting an already dead corpse in a gibbet. St Lambert's Church in Munster. The leaders of the rebellion Jan van Leiden, Bernhard Krechting, and Bernhard Knipperdolling, were tortured and executed (By being torn apart by red hot tongs) and their bodies raised up on the church in gibbets for display.