Older Ferrets with New Younger Ferret
Dec 19, 2017 · Sounds stupid. I'd never bought a ferret, I was the go to person for aggressive ferrets with the shelter/rescue I was working with. I had never dealt with anything younger than about 9 months. I got a senior ferret come in, he went into shelter shock and somehow I managed to get him to come around by putting him in with a wee sprite. He was her ...
Old ferret refuses to accept new (baby) ferrets
Jul 29, 2019 · Few days later there were no more fighting and they can live together. But for playing time, my older one is just ingoring, hiding from and hissing at the baby.For example, if the baby jumped on her she would just lay down and surrender. She will also hissing if the baby is getting closer. I have seperated them in different cages.
Hind leg weakeness in baby ferret? | The Holistic Ferret Forum
Aug 3, 2014 · My concern is with Bean, he is only 3 months old now and he doesn't seem to be using his back legs as a ferret should, I have had him for a month and initially i put this down to him being a baby and being in a new environment, he sort of slinks around on his belly as both my girls do when they just wake up or when they are a bit nervous ...
Introducing a baby ferret! | The Holistic Ferret Forum
Jun 18, 2021 · Natural care for dogs and cats. Creative ferret rooms and cages. Ferret Proofing
Baby ferret behavior | The Holistic Ferret Forum
Jun 14, 2012 · So Luna, my sisters new ferret, is 6 months old. We had her out playing in the pen for the first time today and she kept doing this thing where she would be playing, and then she would just flatten
Baby ferret with anxiety? | The Holistic Ferret Forum
Jun 5, 2015 · Baby ferret with anxiety? Forum info. Forum Suggestions. ... Ferret Health Resources. Vaccine information ...
Hind leg weakeness in baby ferret? | The Holistic Ferret Forum
Sep 1, 2014 · Hi all, Not a member here (yet) but this seems like a good forum for people who have ferret related questions. I currently have 3 ferrets, 2 girls (Lola & Elsa) and the newest additi
Baby ferret biting obsession | The Holistic Ferret Forum
Jun 8, 2015 · Natural care for dogs and cats. Creative ferret rooms and cages. Ferret Proofing
Baby ferret sick or just lazy? | The Holistic Ferret Forum
Feb 6, 2021 · Natural care for dogs and cats. Creative ferret rooms and cages. Ferret Proofing
About bar spacing and ferret nation | The Holistic Ferret Forum
Jan 11, 2018 · I had to put plexiglass around the bottom of cage and even on the doors. I found my female on top of it and my male also climbed it. It is sooooo easy to climb. Ferrets will be stuck on top or try to jump down. Yea, it is hazardous when ferrets are let out to play. Mine are free roamers, so I would be worrying all the time. Ferret Nation