Albino Taiwan Reef– Only Fins
Scientific Name: Cyphotilapia frontosa; Common Name: Albino Taiwan Reef, Taiwan Reef Cichlid; Family: Cichlidae; Origin: Native to Lake Tanganyika in East Africa. Physical Description. Color: The Albino variant features a white to pale yellowish body with red or orange markings and a reddish tint to the fins.
Albino Frontosa (Cyphotilapia frontosa) male
These fish are reminiscent of the albino silver Arowana breed, displaying a subtle pinkish tint from certain angles. Unlike the typical solid red eyes, theirs lack a black coloration." The Frontosa cichlid, also known as Cyphotilapia frontosa, is a popular …
Information on types of Frontosa - MonsterFishKeepers.com
Feb 23, 2006 · Frontosa's are actually only the Kigoma and the Burundi, the others are called Gibberosa. Not to confuse anyone, but if someone were to see a front labeled as a gib somewhere. Fronts are also monomorphic species, so females also develop the nuchal hump.
Frontosa compatability with other africans
Oct 22, 2011 · You can do as you please, but a frontosa will not fair well growing out in a 60 gallon tank with faster, more aggressive mbuna. Nor will it fair well in your 225 with larger more aggressive CA cichlids. Cyphotilapia do best in groups by themselves.
Albino Frontosa - Cichlid Discussion - Australian Cichlid …
Oct 21, 2005 · Albino forms can't really be compared to flowerhorns, but I agree a little bit with you. I don't think they look very good, but that's only from a single picture. I'd have to see more pictures and preferably one in the flesh before I changed my opinion. The attractive part of a frontosa is the contrast between the black/blue and white.
Rare albino frontosa - MonsterFishKeepers.com
Nov 25, 2015 · It's either washed out or the "red frontosa" which is basically just hypomelanistic.
Cyphotilapia frontosa “black widow” - The Cichlid Room Companion
Mar 28, 2007 · The fish in the OP have been around for a few years now under a variety of names, "panda frontosa", "Cyphotilapia sp. dark blue horizon" etc. There is a line bred "red" frontosa on the market as well. And I know of at least one, sexually mature, albino female.
Albino Frontosa - Australian Cichlid Enthusiasts Forums
May 29, 2005 · Why would you want an abino frontosa? Arent they plain enough to start off with? Generally I dislike Albinos, but I thought an Albino Frontosa could be quirky. Interests:MTB, …
Frontosa to avoid. | Tropical Aquariums SA
May 22, 2012 · @ TheEel, in the wild you will find fronts with mooning and you will find Albino here and there. Nothing wrong with that, but when you try to breed a strain to make a profit thats when front keepers say not to buy these fronts.
fronts and parrots? - Cichlid Fish Forum
Mar 21, 2011 · I knew another who managed to keep a breeding pair of red texas in with frontosa in a 75 gallon tank. Albino Taiwan reef Protomelas (actually Taiwanee reef, I been there) are more peaceful than phenochilus, blue dolphin and EY's, and they had worked a little better.