Sturtevant's List of Circuses 1880 - 1889 - Circus History
Published in the Circus Fans Association of America's periodical White Tops in the 1960s, Charles Gates Sturtevant compiled this list of circus performances in early times in America, and of the later organized travelling circuses for each year down to 1952.
Cooper & Bailey Co.'s Circus route book 1880 - Circus History
Route Book of Cooper, Bailey & Co.'s Great London Circus and Allied Shows For the Season of 1880. Compiled by W. G. Crowley, Philadelphia: Merrihew & Son, 1880. Circus World Museum's Parkinson Library provided the photocopy of this route book. All information should be checked with additional sources.
P. T. Barnum's Circus RouteS 1871 - 1880 - Circus History
P. T. Barnum's New and Greatest Show on Earth, 1880 Route P. T. Barnum, John J. Nathans, George F. Bailey, Lewis June, proprietors
America’s Big Circus Spectacular Has a Long and Cherished History
Mar 22, 2017 · When Barnum and Bailey’s “Greatest Show on Earth” rolled into American towns in the 1880s, daily life abruptly stopped. Months before the show arrived, an advance team saturated the surrounding...
Golden Age of the Circus - The Era of Barnum & Bailey and the …
Circus history comes alive with acrobats, elephants, tigers, lions, parades, tents, trains and more. These rare posters date from the 1880s to the 1940s and were often found in store windows and pasted on sheds, barns, buildings, walls and fences. 'O', Cirque Du Soleil at the Bellagio by Veronique Vial. From the official photographer for Cirque ...
“Freak Shows”: P T Barnum and the Circus of Exploitation
May 8, 2021 · In the 1880s, Tambo, along with his wife and 15 other indigenous people, was recruited as a star attraction by Phineas Taylor “P T” Barnum and James Anthony Bailey as part of Barnum & Bailey Circus.
Routes | Circus Historical Society
This database includes the routes for over 100 circuses from the 19th and 20th Centuries. Use the dropdown menus below to search by: Circus Name, Year, Country, State, City, and/or Full Dates.
Rides and Spangles: Circuses and Carnivals - Central Michigan University
The troupe maintained an excellent reputation for their routine of “Risley, shoulder work, and ground tumbling.” They toured Europe several times, as well as India, and performed with a number of major circuses including Dan Rice Circus, …
Sturtevant's List of Circuses 1870 - 1879 - Circus History
Published in the Circus Fans Association of America's periodical White Tops in the 1960s, Charles Gates Sturtevant compiled this list of circus performances in early times in America, and of the later organized travelling circuses for each year down to 1952.
Then Again: Circuses brought the spectacular and the exotic to …
Sep 1, 2019 · During the 1880s, a circus might charge adults 50 cents to see the show and children 25 cents (roughly $12 and $6, respectively, today). The low cost meant that circuses drew Vermonters...