Science in Vedas - Agniveer
Jan 3, 2010 · In this article, I shall provide some brief snippets of such clues. A point of note: Vedas not being dogmatic in nature and containing eternal truths, do not try to spoon-feed us. …
What are Vedas? - Agniveer
Jun 24, 2010 · There seems to be apparently differing views on what exactly is meant by Vedas. In this article, we shall attempt to authoritatively clear this confusion. a. Veda Mantra Samhitas …
Buddhism and Vedas - Agniveer
Apr 8, 2011 · Agniveer respects all the great men of history who attempted to bring society closer to Vedic living and aspires that we evolve to reach the original source that all these great …
book about Vedas are the actual reasons “Why I love Vedas.” For further study of Vedic teachings, Agniveer has already pro - duced detailed literature on some of the core facts about …
Agniveer: Science in Vedas
The core foundation of Hindu belief is that Vedas contain source of all knowledge - physical or metaphysical. However in last 100 odd years, this belief has come under scrutiny due to the …
Mar 4, 2010 · Let us explore some Vedic mantras containing ‘Daas’ in various forms and see what it actually means. May our noble warriors not become Daas or be destroyed. One who …
Science in Vedas - Facts you did not know - YouTube
Jul 8, 2012 · Introductory part of lecture on Science in Vedas by founder of Agniveer - Sanjeev Newar. Explains how Vedas form foundation of modern scientific thinking, sc...
8.5 Law of Karma - ExploreVedanta.com
The Law of Karma is one of the most fundamental and important teachings of the Vedas. 2. The first principle of LOK is that every deliberate action produces an immediate visible result and …
Vedas and Motion of Planets - Agniveer
Jul 24, 2012 · Vedas and Science are one and same. Discover how Vedas explain the planetary motion.
rituals - What do the Vedas say about animal sacrifice? - Hinduism ...
May 7, 2016 · Animal sacrifice, when performed properly according to Vedas, is an exception to the general rule about not harming living beings. Here is what Adi Shankaracharya says in his …