MiiCharacters.com - MiiCharacters.com - Famous Miis for the Wii U, Wii ...
Famous Mii Characters & QR Codes for your Nintendo Wii U, Wii, 3DS, and Miitomo. Search for famous Mii Characters and get printable, step-by-step instructions on how to create them. Scan Mii QR Codes with your 3DS, Wii U, or Miitomo App. Fill your Mii Plaza with celebrities!
Mii - Wikipedia
Miis were first introduced on the Wii console in 2006 and later appeared on the Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, the Wii U, the Nintendo Switch, and various apps for smart devices such as Miitomo.
List of official Miis - MiiWiki
The following are the ten Miis introduced in Wii Music. These Miis served in the four pre-installed music videos. They don't appear anywhere else in-game, but they are all given official artwork.
Mii Library
The Mii Library is a site documenting every single Mii to have ever been used in an official capacity, by HEYimHeroic using Google Sites. Every Mii will have images of their face and full body, and a QR code image to be scanned into Mii Maker or other Mii QR code-supporting app.
Miis - Play Nintendo
Miis. We think you’re quite a character, and that’s why your Mii gets to join in the fun! It’s easy to create a Mii character version of yourself using the Wii U or Nintendo 3DS systems, so...
Mii | Wii Sports Wiki | Fandom
A Mii is a digital avatar used in the Wii, Nintendo 3DS, Wii U, and Nintendo Switch gaming consoles. After creating one with the Mii Channel (Wii) or Mii Maker (3DS/Wii U/Switch), they can be used as playable characters in various games such as …
How to Create a Mii on Wii - Nintendo Support
In this article, you'll learn how to create a new Mii. Note: Only 100 Mii Characters can be stored in the Mii Plaza. From the Wii Main Menu, select the Mii Channel then Start. Select the...
Mii | Nintendo | Fandom
Miis are customizable characters that debuted alongside the Wii via the Mii Channel, the Nintendo 3DS and the Wii U via Mii Maker, the Settings menu via the Nintendo Switch, and on iOS, Android...
All Miis - Mii Library
If you'd like to browse by a specific console, click one below! Click a Mii's image to get taken to their page.
Mii - Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia
Feb 18, 2025 · Miis are digital avatars used in many Nintendo consoles, including the Wii, Nintendo 3DS, Wii U, and Nintendo Switch. Miis are based on human beings, and players can design what their Miis look like and use them in compatible games.