What is Water Flux? - Water treatment and distribution | Eng-Tips
Jan 31, 2008 · As an approximation, they test the membranes with water, with predetermined quality, and and the permeate flux rate is published. Once you take a trial on your actual product on pilot scale, you can extrapolate and approximate the data for various concentrations and feed flowrates and accordingly choose the membrane surface area to suit your ...
Heat transfer efficiency vs. coolant mass flow rate
May 19, 2009 · You need to read your attached paper more carefully. I believe the equation 6.21-3,4,5,6 etc are related to the mass of air flow through the radiator, not the water. Note it says "fluid" and not "air" or "water". Which makes sense for a car radiator where mass flow of air will directly increase the heat transfer rate q (W/m2)
Solder on Cast Iron Block - Metal and Metallurgy engineering
Dec 26, 2010 · We are trying to repair rust pits at water jackets on a cast iron block with Solder and so far are unsuccessful. We've tried rod, silver solder with flux, tried arc welding with low melting point nickel rod none of which worked. Is there a way to solder cast iron at low temperature, keep cast...
Pipe Insulation Air Gap - Heat Transfer & Thermodynamics ... - Eng …
Aug 19, 2008 · I am trying to assess the impact of having an air gap between a hot running pipe and an insulating material. What I am wanting to consider is heat transmission across the gap from both air conduction and radiation mechanisms (the gap is small and the pipe is running at high temperatures so...
In-tube Velocity Limit to prevent Erosion 3 - Eng-Tips
Dec 13, 2004 · In a radiant furnace with a flame temp of 2500 F, the imposed radiant flux is the governing boundary condition with a max achievable overheat equal to the flame temp of 2500F ( ie burn out), thus it is critical to ensure loss if inside film heat transfer coef due to dry out or DNB either does not occur, of limit its effects so that the tube ...
Heat transfer times for aluminum 1 - Eng-Tips
Jan 23, 2004 · The basic elementary treatment assumes a slab of sufficient extension in length and width so that in can be considered as infinite, and also with simmetry conditions through the thickness (both faces at the same temperature, mid plane with zero thermal flux across it).
Slope Stability during watering - SEEP/W and SLOPE/W 2 - Eng-Tips
Jan 29, 2019 · It's supposed the flux should go to the bottom and then across the section, I mean out of the screen because there is a drainage pipeline. To do that, We model as a boundary condition with water preesure head = 1m to avoid the level of water increases. This would be the maximum level the water table can reach or less but not higher.
RhoV2 criteria for Line Sizing - Eng-Tips
May 27, 2008 · The mass flux limit that your line sizing is based on could be the choked mass flux or simply an 'industry proven' good practice. Either way, there is probably good reason why the limit was specified. As far as standards go, I know that HEI uses mass flux sizing criteria for nozzles operating at saturation conditions. I2I
Thermal losses calculation for a burried pipe 1 - Eng-Tips
May 7, 2009 · Dear all, I am working in an Engineering Company. The context is the following: - The system is: inlet pipe + control valve + outlet pipe. - The fluid is natural gas - The outlet pipeline is burried. - No outlet pipe insulation. - The minimum allowable temperature in the …
RVAT starting question for large well motor 3 - Eng-Tips
Feb 25, 2003 · Step up, step down, the transformer doesn't really care - flux is flux. If the voltage into the utility transformer goes for 500 V to 443 V on starting, that is, all by itself, a 13% voltage drop. I'd make sure your RVAT is set on the 80% tap. What is the basis for the 5 second timer that you say is tripping the motor?