3Dfx Voodoo 2 on a Modern PC! - [H]ard|Forum
Dec 19, 2005 · Using a PCI-e to PCI adapter, I was able to connect my old 3dfx Voodoo2 to a modern PC running Windows 10." Click to expand... Gotta admire his tenacity in finding all of the drivers and fixes needed.
the last dedicated 3D graphics card - [H]ard|Forum
Dec 19, 2005 · The voodoo original 4mb card was really the game changer for me... winamp plugins with the dancing coke can lol.. and tomb radier and quake2.. I totally missed the whole voodoo2 bus! ...and scan line interleave mode with 2x voodoo2's.. I think I had a RIVA128 and then a TNT, TNT2 etc....
Voodoo and Voodoo 2 price? - [H]ard|Forum
Nov 19, 2009 · I had the original monster 3d and then got two creative voodoo2 refurb's for $50 each shortly after they came out. All of my friends were jealous. Paired with my PII 450 my computer was the hottest thing on the block. I still reminisce about pre-3d adventure games more than anything though.
Voodoo 2 SLI slower on a Athlon XP than a P2 450? - [H]ard|Forum
Oct 1, 2003 · edit: The problem being had by a lot of people in this thread is simple. The fxmemmap.vxd file in the DirectX 7 Voodoo2 drivers would completely wig out with Athlon CPUs. To fix this, replace it with the version from the prior drivers, or …
3DFX Voodoo2 (RARE) Retail BOX (PCI Version) - [H]ard|Forum
Dec 19, 2005 · Not that I know of - this is a 12MB Voodoo2 in a 4MB framebuffer/8MB texture RAM configuration, but features more flexible video output options and Quantum3D's solid reputation for quality. There's a link here with some more info.
voodoo2 SLI help - [H]ard|Forum
Mar 25, 2005 · I'm attempting to run a pair of voodoo2's in SLI through a voodoo3 2000 PCI in Windows XP. I've installed several different 3rd party driver sets, and have gotten them recognized by windows device manager, there being a tab in the advanced display properties for them, and games trying to use...
Voodoo2 in AGP system - [H]ard|Forum
Nov 27, 2004 · Hi all I came across my old Creative Labs Voodoo2 12MB card and have been trying to get it to work in my Win98 rig. I have a AGP Radeon 7200 installed now and installed the Voodoo2 with the pass thru cable. The rig boots okay, but only sees the V2 card as a "PCI Mulitmedia Device". I...
Reviving an old 3DFX powered PC | Page 3 | [H]ard|Forum
Jan 1, 2012 · just picked up a voodoo2... not sure I am going to go slot1 on the mobo... maybe something socket A.. I have all the hardware to make something of that class right now. :p edit: though.. if I went with a mobo with ISA slots I could use …
3dfx Voodoo 1 SLI setup 20mb, Stoned Shaman boxed
Dec 19, 2005 · At least, I'm not aware of any post-Voodoo2 launch implementations of the Voodoo1 using SLI. AFAIK, the Voodoo1 could only address 4MB of VRAM for textures. Even the Canopus Pure3D, probably the best implementation of the Voodoo1, which had 6MB total VRAM, could only utilize 4MB for textures with the remaining 2MB dedicated to framebuffer.
3dfx Voodoo5 6000 Clone - [H]ard|Forum
Jan 8, 2022 · Russian creator Anthony Zxclxiv has now built several clones of the 3dfx Voodoo5 6000, Most recently the "Snow White" Limited Edition...