What's stronger: SSJG or SSJB - Dragon Ball Universe - Comic Vine
So as we can see, SSJ goku is equal to SSJG goku. From the fight between Vegeta and Cabba, we saw that SSJB vegeta is stronger than SSJ1 vegeta. And current SSJ1 vegeta is arround ssj1 goku.
Baby Vegeta vs SSgod Goku - Battles - Comic Vine
Whether SSJ4 is stronger than SSJG or not, SSJG still beats Baby in his 2nd form because SSJ4 was already owning him, tanking his Revenge Death Ball without a scratch.
SSJ4 Vegeta vs Baby Vegeta - Battles - Comic Vine
Mar 14, 2021 · SSJ4 Vegeta was equal to SSJ4 Goku. Even ignoring that, it is clearly stated that the reason why Baby couldn't reach SSJ4 was that he hadn't trained enough, which presumably means achieveing SSJ4 ...
SSJB Vegeto ( Black Goku arc ) vs SSJG Gogeta ( DBS Broly )
Feb 1, 2019 · Again, Goku or Vegeta using their limit breaking forms (KK and Blue Evolution) during the tournament would be enough to drop Vegito. Base Gogeta was hilariously above Golden Frieza (who lasted ...
Vegeta vs HST team - Battles - Comic Vine
VSRulesVegeta uses SSJ2 in this battle but can use SSJG when neededAll transformations above SSJG are restrictedEnergy EqualizedVegeta in characterHST
Prince Vegeta vs Lord Beerus - Battles - Comic Vine
Vegeta ascends to SSJG to fight Beerus but Bulma steps in between them like before and slaps Beerus he attempts to slap her but Vegeta catches his hand and tells Bulma to run. Angered that Beerus ...
Vegeta Vs Super Buu - Battles - Comic Vine
Base RoF Vegeta is SSJG mastered, and thus is powerful enough to swat Super Buu away like a fly. 8 years ago. Thedarkpaladin. Follow 22885. Forum Posts. 30. Wiki Points. 0. ...
Gogeta and Vegito vs Bills and SSJG Goku - Battles - Comic Vine
With that, you get SSG Vegeta ((Goku + Vegeta) + (Vegeta + Goku)) vs Beers and SSG Goku. I'm sure Vegeta can go 1 vs 2, np. Team Fusion doesn't have enough Saiyans to get into SSG even if we count ...
SSJ3 Vegito vs SSJG Goku - Battles - Comic Vine
May 28, 2020 · Stop putting SSJG Goku against Z and GT characters. 4 years ago. ... If Vegeta and Goku fused and went SS3 with Vegeto right now and Goku was somehow able to fight it in god form then Vegeto would ...
Vegeta vs HST team - Battles - Comic Vine
Oct 23, 2021 · Vegeta uses SSJ2 in this battle but can use SSJG when needed. All transformations above SSJG are restricted. Energy Equalized. Vegeta in character. HST team bloodlusted. BFR restricted. Fight to death