Ul- U465 - JLC-Online Forums
Jul 3, 2008 · Re: Ul- U465 6"x20g. runs me about .68 plf in N/Central FL. I build to U465 often and there isn't a need for a firestop other than a sealed top track (as far as my municipaility goes, anyway). ALso make sure to stagger your joints 24" from one side of the wall to the other.
Fire rated partitions - 1hr and 2hr - JLC-Online Forums
Feb 18, 2007 · Sometimes the wall finishes (GWB) are part of the fire rating system, sometimes they're not - all depends on the UL assembly. If the wall finishes are not part of the assembly, they just need to meet flame spread and smoke developed limits per the construction type (I, II, III, IV, V, all in a or b subtypes).
Fire Rated Ceiling 2HR Intersection - JLC-Online Forums
Sep 22, 2010 · Re: Fire Rated Ceiling 2HR Intersection Not sure what area you are from, but here is a simple answer---- install 5/8" sheetrock to ceiling then tape it, then install a second layer over this one ;staggering the joints from where the 1st layer …
Need a UL Listed design for a 1 hour fire rated load bearing …
Oct 1, 2012 · Re: Need a UL Listed design for a 1 hour fire rated load bearing exterior wall assem I don't remember off hand the exact web sites, but go to the American Plywood Association and U. S. Gypsum. It's been awhile, but IIRC they have details of multiple assemblies that are U.L. approved for various ratings.
1HR Separation Wall for Duplex (How to Assemble?) - JLC Online
Sep 10, 2013 · Such a wall cannot have both layers attached to only one wall if it deviates from the UL design characteristics. A lot of times this type of demising wall is built with a 1" shaftwall assembly which is attached to both walls but in the event of a fire can "detach" itself from the failing wall and remain standing.
One hour fire rated exterior wall - JLC-Online Forums
Nov 16, 2010 · Now the new plan checker wants me to indicate a specific assembly listed in the IRC table 720.1 or a UL approved assembly. for a one hour wall. There are dozens in the IRC but none exactly like this and only about a gadzillon UL listed assemblies that would take days to search through. Anyone have any idea where I might get this information.
stapling 1/4" luan underlay... - JLC Online
Sep 26, 2005 · I agree I have never seen a Luan rated as ul. We always try to us "Multiply" or similar. We do use luan in a pinch for leveling but not under lino. We use 1-3/16 or similar narrow crown and shoot about 4 inch centers. Twice that on seams. Drag a trowel or something over to check for high heads and hammer them home.
Insulated Chimney Chase? - JLC-Online Forums
Apr 9, 2009 · The listing allows a max. chase temp. rise of 90*F above ambient so don't lose sleep over it. Properly installed, these fireplaces are much safer than masonry fireplaces and unlike masonry, come with a warranty and are listed. BTW, a masonry fireplace was tested to UL 127 back in 1984 and the test structure ignited!
Ridge beam into chimney - JLC-Online Forums
May 20, 2010 · I am well aware of the Isokern and similar kit-type masonry fireplaces. Some of these fireplaces have mating chimney of the same material but most now rely on listed factory insulated chimney listed to UL 103HT.
fire rating with exposed wood joists - JLC-Online Forums
Aug 3, 2009 · So, I checked the UL books just to double check the architect. Called a city fire engineer and the lazy clock watcher didn't want to get involved. So, I have two choices: 1. Hire a code consultant, this MEP FP engineer might design or know of something, write a letter, and with Me pushing it through the right channels, we'll get an exception. 2.