Design No. U356 October 07, 2020 Bearing Wall Rating - 1 Hr Rating Exposed to Fire on Interior Face Only Bearing Wall Rating — 1 Hr Rating Exposed to Fire on Exterior Face (See Item 6E) Finish Rating — 23 Min or 25 Min (See Item 2C) This design was evaluated using a load design method other than the Limit States Design
UL Wall Assemblies, Fire Rated Wall Designs | USG
USG provides resources here for our UL wall assemblies for seamless integration into any construction project. These wall assembly files are used for planning and estimation purposes for many UL wall types, such as fire-rated wall assemblies.
Only products which bear UL's Mark are considered as Classified, Listed, or Recognized. Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 See General Information for Fire Resistance Ratings - ANSI/UL 263 Design No. U356 December 14, 2012 (Exposed to Fire on Interior Face Only) Bearing Wall Rating — 1 Hr Finish Rating — 23 Min or 25 Min (See Item 2C)
Nov 8, 2012 · DrJ's building construction professionals meet the competency requirements as defined in the IBC and can seal their work. DrJ is regularly engaged in conducting and providing engineering evaluations of single-element and full-scale building systems tests.
Finding UL Listed and Certified Fire-Rated Products with UL …
Use these instructions to create your UL Product iQ account and search the certification database for UL fire-rated assemblies, designs or systems.
UL U356 TER No. 1109-01. DrJ is an ISO/IEC 17065 accredited product certification body through ANSI Accreditation Services. DrJ provides certified evaluations that are signed and sealed by a P.E. DrJ’s work is backed up by professional liability insurance. DrJ is fully compliant with IBCSection 1703.
Looking for UL assembly using 5/8" type x - The Building Code Forum
Dec 12, 2019 · I am looking for an UL assembly listing, for an exterior wall, that allows the use of 7/16" OSB wall sheathing on the outside. This wall would have 5/8" type x gypsum board on the inside, over 2x6 stud wall, with the cavity filled with insulation. I have found UL356, which calls out for a plywood sheathing.
panel sheathing required in UL design U356 • Can be used in Type V Construction where 1-hour interior resistance is required U356 For more information, please visit LPCorp.com/Weatherlogic or call 1-888-820-0325. * CAVITY INSULATION NOT REQUIRED FOR FIRE RESISTANCE * 1-hour interior resistance may be established by calculations in
ul fire resistive designs – 1 hour - u356 stc 56 construction ·5/8” firecode gyp. ·7/8" x 25 gauge furring channel @ 24" 0.c. ·rsic-1 clips @ 24” x 48” oc ·2 x 4 wood framing @ 16” oc ·nom. 6" gfb insulation ·7/16" min wood structural panel or 1/2" mineral or fiber board
Fire Wall Assemblies | Resource Center - James Hardie
Get the technical documents for James Hardie Fire-Resistance Rated Wall Assemblies.