Culturing 'tigger pods' (Tigriopus californicus) | Reef2Reef
Oct 23, 2018 · Hi everyone! I am interested in culturing small numbers of these pods as a treat for my fish. I have a few questions about them; 1 - This species reportedly has an extraordinary salinity tolerance from 4-102 ppt according to algae research supply (the algaebarn gives 6-102 ppt). Is that simply...
Culturing Tigger-pods | Reef2Reef
Apr 22, 2019 · Hey good to see the thread still going strong and new ideas coming into the equation. I ended up tearing my tigger pod tank down. It's really of no use anymore with my dragonet eating frozen foods like mini blood worms, mysis, and brine w/ spirulina. He is healthy and a chunker with plenty of pods all over the walls.
Which pods to seed??? - REEF2REEF Saltwater and Reef Aquarium …
Jun 17, 2015 · Tiger pods are cold water, meaning they like temperatures below 74 degrees -much lower than we keep our reef tanks at. They don’t produce well and die afterwards. They are much better used as “feeding pods”. Also, Tiger pods don’t have the instinct to hide. They just swim in the open which leads to predators to wipe out their colony.
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May 28, 2020 · I first seeded my tank with Reef Nutrition's Tigger Pods about 11 months ago, then added a 16 oz container of Algae Barn's 5280 pods about 3 months later. Most recently (~1 month ago) I added full 6 oz bottles of both Apex Pods and Tigger Pods from Reef Nutrition. I find the pod population does best when I'm consistently feeding Phyto to the tank.
What size sieves for Tigriopus and Tisbe pods | Reef2Reef
Nov 22, 2020 · Im culturing pods and the tisbe pods are ready for harvest. I can't seem to find a solid answer on how to collect the different stages. I have a 250 micron and 120 micron sieve that I know will catch the adults and then the babies of the Tigriopus pods but the tisbe are a lot smaller. What size...
DIY Phytoplankton Culture | Reef2Reef
Dec 3, 2016 · Here is my DIY Phytoplankton Culture setup. If you'd like to know more let me know.
Phyto culture time without harvest. | Reef2Reef
Nov 20, 2023 · I have recently set up 2 thursdays ago 3 phyto cultures, (tetra, thalassiosira diatoms, and isocrysis galbana) and a tiger pod culture. 1 gallon each. I harvested thursday, all 3 phytos did astoundingly well, darker than the cultures I started with, but my harvest is almost ready again and I will be away from tomorrow to Sunday.
Help me figure this out. | Reef2Reef
Jan 1, 2022 · From my understanding, Tiger pods are the biggest of the copepod family? I usually buy bottles through Reef Nutrition every 6 months or so and feel confident that they just reproduce in my tank on their own. If youre trying to aquaculture and farm tiger pods, I think I've seen some good threads on it!
Breeding Garden Eels | Page 2 | Reef2Reef
Jan 11, 2014 · I've given another batch rotifers and tiger pod naups and a few got to 13-14dph. I tried another batch on a paste made from egg yolk, crushed lobster eggs and masstick, only got a few days out of that batch. What I think I'd like to try this time (I have around 100 larvae now at 1dph) is enriching the rotifer and pod naups with something.
Breeding Garden Eels | Page 3 | Reef2Reef
Feb 11, 2023 · I've given another batch rotifers and tiger pod naups and a few got to 13-14dph. I tried another batch on a paste made from egg yolk, crushed lobster eggs and masstick, only got a few days out of that batch. What I think I'd like to try this time (I have around 100 larvae now at 1dph) is enriching the rotifer and pod naups with something.