Aten Ha Ra :: Bestiary :: EverQuest :: ZAM
In Vex Thal: Aten Ha Ra is the end-game boss of the Shadows of Luclin expansion. Her Spawn time is 7 days or instant after a server-down and her total hitpoints are around 1.75 million..
Vex Thal Raid Guide - EQProgression
Vex Thal Raid Quick Guide. Vex Thal is the final raid zone in Shadows of Luclin expansion. There is a ton of trash. There is even trash that spawns more trash! Mobs here have a lot of HP. Generally you need to kill the bosses in order or you’ll face Warders that will Death Touch and/or boot you to the zone in.
Aten Ha Ra - EQ Resource - The Resource for your EverQuest needs
"Aten Ha Ra shouts. 'Awaken, guardian!'" - Golem spawns in the sky, descends, and then flies back up. To get the achievement "Calm the Stones" an enchanter needs to mezz them. I wait for them to land (not sure if you can mezz before then), and cast mezz.
Vex Thal :: Zones :: EverQuest :: ZAM
You'll see another black pillar at the end of this hallway, which will take you up to the final boss room (Aten Ha Ra). In this room, there is a black pillar on both sides of a statue of Aten Ha Ra. Click on either one to exit the building to the lawn outside.
Toddy (Pol Raa) – Lakpura™
In Sri Lanka, toddy is called thal ra, kithul ra or pol ra according to the plant used to make it. Pol ra (coconut toddy) is made with the sap of the coconut’s flower which is produced through an unusual process. The drive from Colombo towards the South is …
Va Xi Aten Ha Ra :: Bestiary :: EverQuest :: ZAM
Feb 7, 2020 · Va Xi Aten Ha Ra shouts, 'DIE Tyamat!!' You are hit by non-melee for 20,000 points of damage. Va Xi Aten Ha Ra lifts you up and breaks you in half over her knee!
Vex Thal - The Al`Kabor Project Wiki
Dec 27, 2021 · Vex Thal is the ultimate test for the strongest guilds of adventurers. The entrance is locked and the key to open it requires an extremely extensive search for many lucid shards carried by numerous rare and powerful creatures throughout the moon.
Imperium EQ
Unlocking Vex Thal. It is recommended that you buy a Bane Dmg augment in the Guild Lobby to make it easier to take down the following target: Lord Inquisitor Seru. Note: Pull him with a pet (/target lord, /pet attack), or drag a nearby NPC through his bubble. He can only be damaged by either magic or Bane damage.
Terror of Luclin: Aten Ha Ra (raid) - Rasper's Realm
Vex Thal: Aten Ha Ra. Raid giver - a worrisome shade Request phrase: massive Entry phrase: ready. Spawns a shadowbound chest. Contains 3-6 spell parchment, 2 "Faded Waning Gibbous" (commonly head), a Calcified Bloodied Ore, a chance at a Akhevan Trunk, and 3 of the following: Mantle of the Pious
Terror of Luclin: Aten Ha Ra (group) - raspersrealm.com
You'll find Aten Ha Ra on the west side of the zone. When your group is ready hail and say "begin" to start the event. Throughout the event every 45 seconds Aten Ha Ra will emote: Aten Ha Ra points at Rasper with one arm, while holding a finger to her lips.