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Khan Academy
Learn about the trp operon, a regulatory mechanism in bacteria that controls gene expression and tryptophan production.
Khan Academy
Ups. Algo salió mal. Por favor inténtalo otra vez. Oh no, parece que encontramos un error. Necesitas actualiza.Si este problema persiste, avísanos.avísanos.
Khan Academy
UAA, UAG, UGA, that's how the ribosome knows to stop translating. So AUG, that's a start codon, and it codes for methionine. So that lets you know that these polypeptide chains are going to start with methionine, and then these characters tell it where to stop.
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Khan Academy
Misyonumuz herkese, her yerde, dünya standartlarında ve ücretsiz eğitim imkanı sağlamaktır.