turning kief into wax/budder - THCFarmer
Dec 18, 2013 · I've seen some tutorials and threads on this topic, but am not totally satisfied with the final product i'm seeing..I really dont want a black oily-oil, i would prefer a more blonde wax/budder. I have made extremely good bubble before, but dont feel like dealing with draining bags and cleaning up, so i went dry seive.
this is what budder is! - THCFarmer
Dec 25, 2008 · Solvent-extracted products usually have more THC than bud, water hash or sieved hash, but none have tested as high as Budder, and Hornby says Budder is further distinguished because it does not contain any heavy metals, radioactivity, or other markers associated with inferior fertilizers used on source bud.
Puna Budder Weed Strain - THCFarmer
Apr 4, 2020 · Puna Budder is a 50/50 hybrid cannabis strain. This beautifully balanced hybrid offers equal amounts of indica and sativa, along with impressive levels of THC. You can expect an average THC level of 18 to 24% or more, making Puna Butter some potent ganja. This strain was created by crossing an Afghani and Hawaiian strain.
How do you fluff your Oil or BTO into wax or Budder?
Jun 25, 2010 · And when you make it into budder it is loosing its pizazz real fast. Have fun man, and be safe. some people are turned off to the idea of using a solvent to extract THC from dried flowers, but really when you see it done and expericene everything first hand you will really see that it is a different, and maybe better in crertain situations, way ...
Concentrates & Processing - THCFarmer
Dec 8, 2009 · Dabs, shatter, budder, batter, it doesn’t matter. Learn answers, ask questions, or offer advice on processing cannabis and cannabis concentrates.
33% loss when making butter/oil - THCFarmer
Mar 4, 2023 · From 540 grams, we divide the butter into thirds and bake 45 to 50 cookies per batch. Having tested our cookies against dispensary edibles, we figure ours are around 150mg of THC per cookie. Mint chocolate chip in the photo. One thing I can suggest, leave out chips and nuts for a stronger cookie. They take up space and weight.
How to make shatter into badder - THCFarmer
Jul 10, 2020 · Did you make the shatter or buy it? if the shatters been dewaxed yer not gonna make it budder up. K. kd1401.
Green budder? Why? - THCFarmer
Aug 14, 2012 · Im still a rookie in this errl game and ive ran about 5 extractions now. My oil has turned into budder 3 times and 2/3 times it was green. The most info ive gathered is that it can be one of two things. 1 is purging it too hot. And 2 is that …
THCFarmer - The Home For Cannabis Cultivation
THC Farmer is one of the best marijuana forums available, where you can find answers to questions you may have regarding all aspects of cannabis, from seed to harvest. Our huge selection of cannabis forums can help answer questions like, how to grow marijuana , how to germinate cannabis seeds , how to grow weed indoors and many other questions ...
The Largest Cannabis Forums For Growers - THCFarmer
Mar 4, 2025 · THCFarmer is one of the most popular weed forums on the net. Learn from experienced growers about all topics related to growing marijuana, growing your own weed easy, advanced cannabis cultivation tips and more.