A Spartan vs. a Knight. : r/whowouldwin - Reddit
Jan 26, 2014 · The Spartan's spear is worthless, if would bend when it contacted the knight's armor. The Spartan could not get close enough to use his sword. The Spartan could dodge the knight, but wouldn't be able to get close enough to kill. Likewise, the knight is unable to match the Spartan's mobility, but one strike and the Spartan is out.
Spartan vs a Knight : r/whowouldwin - Reddit
Jun 17, 2021 · A Spartan is often said to be a killing machine one of the best. Could he best a knight protecting their land! Round 1. The Spartan is armed with his shield and dory spear, a javelin, a kopis, and the xiphos. He is in full Spartan armor including a helmet that covers his face a chest piece with leg and arm armor.
Knight Vs Spartan : r/whowouldwin - Reddit
Jan 18, 2016 · Assume it is a French knight near the end of the Hundred Years' War, and the Spartan is from near Sparta's peak. Round 1: 1 knight v 1 Spartan, knight doesn't get his horse or squire. Round 2: 10 v 10, Knights get their horses. Round 3: 100 Spartans vs 100 Knights. Standard loadout for both. Round 4: French army (bowmen, etc) vs Spartan ...
[Deadliest Warrior] Spartan vs Knight : r/whowouldwin - Reddit
Nov 29, 2018 · The spartan is only wearing grieves, a chestplate and a helmet, his arms and upper legs are completely exposed, while the Knight is wearing full plate armor, the spartan has no way of getting through that, most people also forgett that most knights were expert fighters, they were trained from birth, not as harsh as spartans perhaps but they had ...
Deadliest Warrior: Spartan VS Knight. - Off-Topic - Comic Vine
Aug 21, 2016 · On topic, actual Spartan vs actual Knight not some Hollywood versions would go to the knight every time. 4 years ago. _Logos_. Follow 3664. Forum Posts. 1041. Wiki Points. 0. ...
a Knight vs a Samurai vs a Viking vs a Spartan, who would win
Jun 18, 2024 · Spartan, Knight, and Samurai all train from childhood, but the knight has the best armor of the three. However, depending on the period this can vary widely. Early norman knights might have only had chainmail, or in rare cases, just a gambeson.
Deadliest Warrior B.F.B.U.-Spartan vs Knight - Comic Vine
The battle takes place in a Canyon,similar to the one seen in the Movie 300.The Knight rides from the Beach on horseback while the Spartan is standing guard.There is 1000 feet between the Knight's ...
Spartan vs Roman Centurion vs Samurai vs Knight? - Comic Vine
Feb 17, 2013 · Knight vs Spartan: The Spartan's spear is shorter than the 13-ft lance of a knight, not to mention thinner. The knight's warhorse is armoured, and is able to take even good thrusts by a spearman ...
Spartans vs Knights radiant. : r/whowouldwin - Reddit
Oct 14, 2020 · Round 1: 1 skybreaker of the 1st ideal vs 1 spartan III, both have no armor and a melee weapon of their choice, however the skybreaker does have a pouch full of filled spheres. Round 2: 1 skybreaker of the 4th ideal, with their blade and plate, vs 1 spartan III with Mjolnir MK V and a covenant energy sword.
Samurai, Viking, and Roman Legionnaire VS Knight, Spartan, and
Aug 29, 2015 · Knight can kill Samurai rather easily, as Samurai poses little threat to Knight in latest plate armor so the knight can focus on offense. Spartan vs Legionnaire, neither is well equipped for 1v1 combat, but the Spartan can drop the shield and wield the spear two handed making it excellent weapon for 1v1, the Legionnaire has better armor among ...