Southern Ground-Hornbill - eBird
This enormous, sociable, ground-loving hornbill is easily recognized. The adult male has an extensive brilliant red face and throat wattles, while the adult female has purple-blue skin in the center of the red throat patch.
southern ground-hornbill - eBird
Este hornbill enorme, sociável e amante do solo é facilmente reconhecido. O macho adulto tem um extenso rosto vermelho brilhante e barbela na garganta, enquanto a fémea adulta tem a pele azul-púrpura no centro da mancha vermelha na garganta.
Abyssinian Ground-Hornbill - eBird
A huge ground-dwelling hornbill. Males have a mix of blue and red bare facial skin, while females have entirely blue facial skin. In flight, a large white patch is revealed in the wings. Found in savanna, grassland, and agricultural habitats, usually in pairs or small groups, walking on the ground. Breeds and roosts in trees.
Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill - eBird
A medium-sized, mostly black-and-white hornbill with a diagnostic yellow bill that gives it the nickname of “flying banana”. Pairs and small groups occupy semi-desert, savanna, and broadleaved woodland; associates closely with humans in camps. Hops on the ground foraging for invertebrates, and flies into trees when disturbed.
Southern Red-billed Hornbill - eBird
A small, black-and-white hornbill with a petite red bill; male has a black base to the mandible. Pairs occur in open savanna with sparse ground cover, where they hop on the ground foraging for invertebrates.
Southern Ground-Hornbill - Bucorvus leadbeateri - Media Search ...
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ジサイチョウ - eBird
A huge ground-dwelling hornbill. Males have a mix of blue and red bare facial skin, while females have entirely blue facial skin. In flight, a large white patch is revealed in the wings. Found in savanna, grassland, and agricultural habitats, usually in pairs or small groups, walking on the ground. Breeds and roosts in trees.
Checklist for Mabalingwe - eBird
Shikra African Fish-Eagle Owls Western Barn Owl Southern White-faced Owl Spotted Eagle-Owl Pearl-spotted Owlet Mousebirds Speckled Mousebird Red-faced Mousebird Hoopoes Eurasian Hoopoe Woodhoopoes and Scimitarbills Green Woodhoopoe Common Scimitarbill Hornbills Southern Ground-Hornbill African Gray Hornbill Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill ...
Blaugesicht-Hornrabe - eBird
A huge ground-dwelling hornbill. Males have a mix of blue and red bare facial skin, while females have entirely blue facial skin. In flight, a large white patch is revealed in the wings. Found in savanna, grassland, and agricultural habitats, usually in pairs or small groups, walking on the ground. Breeds and roosts in trees.
Checklist for Ngorongoro Conservation Area--Ngorongoro Crater
Eurasian Hoopoe Woodhoopoes and Scimitarbills Green Woodhoopoe White-headed Woodhoopoe Common Scimitarbill Abyssinian Scimitarbill Hornbills Southern Ground-Hornbill Crowned Hornbill African Gray Hornbill Eastern Yellow-billed Hornbill Von der Decken's Hornbill Tanzanian Red-billed Hornbill Northern Red-billed Hornbill Silvery-cheeked Hornbill ...