How long does a slug take to die when sprinkled with salt?
Oct 4, 2010 · Salt on a slug will act immediately, drawing water out of the body, causing dehydration. The amount of salt used would determine the outcome. Slugs do have a simple protective reaction system, but they don't scream when salt is poured on them. Any hissing sound is caused by the action of the water being drawn out of the slug.
Can slugs and snails feel pain? | Questions | Naked Scientists
Jun 17, 2012 · I wasn't actually sure about the answer to this to start with, whether things like slugs and snails do actually feel pain. The way that the medicines and the drugs work that you put into slug pellets is they basically just cause them to expire through various toxic ways which are not going to affect humans and other animals and mammals.
Do slugs and snails feel pain? | Naked Science Forum
Jun 19, 2012 · The biggest problem with slug pellets is their effect on wildlife. The dead or dying slug may become the prey of Hedgehogs, frogs, toads, birds etc. By taking a poisoned slug or snail, the predator inadvertently ingests the poison and may well suffer the consequences.
Why is it recommended to put salt on cuts? | Science Questions
Nov 4, 2007 · A lot of bacteria, especially the ones in the mouth like Streptococci and some of the other mouth-dwelling organisms, are quite salt-sensitive.For them, a big dose of salt is a bit like putting salt on a slug. It pulls the water out of the bacteria and dehydrates them, which can damage or disable them.
How to get rid of a wart? | Page 1 | Naked Science Forum
Oct 1, 2004 · Chub, thanks for sahring that. I have been studying potassium diet deficiency myself. Some of the low sodium salts now on the market are over 50% potassium. I have been using Black salt myself, tastes and smells a bit like boiled egg, due to high levels of sulphur in it. But makes everything taste so much better than normal sea salt or sodium ...
How does sulphuric acid (H2SO4) react with sodium salt (NaCl)?
May 14, 2007 · Re: How does sulphuric acid (H2SO4) react with sodium salt (NaCl)? « Reply #7 on: 15/05/2007 21:22:51 » H 2 S can be a product of this reaction, and although very minute quantities are produced - the stink is still very substantial with a pile of sodium iodide, and thanks DrDick anyway, i will look in hardware stores!
The story of the Bennu asteroid | Interviews - The Naked Scientists
Mar 4, 2025 · So, we found that there are salts (like table salt, sodium chloride, also phosphates and carbonate, sodium carbonate) in Bennu. And we think that these formed in a brine. So, there were pods of actual water, salty water, underneath the surface of Bennu's parent body, which slowly evaporated away and left behind these salts.
How can I make a candle with a colored flame? | Naked Science …
Nov 8, 2013 · Now I'm just wanting to make flammable jello with metal salt in it (might be able to make a candle with it too). One of the problems I face is the fact that one normally needs boiling water to make gelatin. Replacing the water with boiling alcohol sounds like a recipe for disaster. If I could keep it under an inert atmosphere, it might be fine.
Experiments with an Egg and Water | Naked Science Forum
Sep 27, 2012 · Salt, of course, not only changes water's density, but it will also affect the boiling point and melting point. Alcohol also has a slightly lower density than water. One might see a difference in the way the egg is sitting in the water if placed in a strong alcoholic drink.
What happens during electrolysis of salt water with copper …
Sep 6, 2004 · In a salt solution (NaCl) the dominant species of ions are sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl-), because only a tiny amount of water (H2O) is ionised (to H+ and OH-) at pH 7, and that's why pure water is very difficult to electrolyse (and why teachers add acid to help the process).