Simple.css is a CSS framework that makes semantic HTML look good, really quickly. Simple.css is mostly classless, which means that you can integrate Simple.css with plain HTML and your site will look great. If you want to add some Simple Classes to Simple.css, we have them available.
Simple.css Demo
A showcase of Simple.css formatting in action and how to use it. This demo page details a select set of elements that are meant to show off Simple.css’s styling, and provide HTML to help you get started easily.
Introducing Simple.css Version 2
Jan 17, 2022 · Simple.css is classless CSS template that allows you to create a good looking website very quickly.
Introducing Simple Classes | Simple.css
Mar 14, 2023 · After feedback and discussion from a number of our users, we have decided to add two simple, yet effective classes to Simple.css. As of today, you will be able to use the .button and .notice classes in your projects.
Help Wanted - Simple.css
Jul 11, 2022 · Simple.css is classless CSS template that allows you to create a good looking website very quickly.
Simple.css Test Page
Simple.css Test Page. This is a test page filled with common HTML elements. Text; Embedded content; Form elements; Project homepage; GitHub repo; Text. Headings
:root{--sans-font:-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,"Avenir Next",Avenir,"Nimbus Sans L",Roboto,"Noto Sans","Segoe UI",Arial,Helvetica,"Helvetica Neue",sans-serif ...
Latest News - Simple.css
Jan 16, 2022 · Simple.css is classless CSS template that allows you to create a good looking website very quickly.