storage - k8s: adding a sidecar to an existent POD/Deployment ...
Jan 28, 2020 · My original problem is: I have a Deployment running and using a PV claimed as ReadWriteOnce. After a few days of storing data, there might happen that I need to copy the contents to another volume (can be an NFS volume). I'm trying to perform the copy using a sidecar (declared as Kind: Job) but it fails when trying to attach the PV (source volume)
Creating a NFS sidecar for Kubernetes - Stack Overflow
Jul 10, 2019 · I am trying to create a NFS sidecar for Kubernetes. The goal is to be able to mount an NFS volume to an existing pod without affecting performance. At the same time, I want to be able to mount the same NFS volume onto another pod or server (read-only perhaps) in order to view the content there. Has anyone tried this? Do anyone have the procedure?
"Sidecar" containers in Kubernetes pods - Stack Overflow
A "sidecar" container which contains an HTTP proxy, used by the "main" container; This seems to fit well with the pod design philosophy as described in the Kubernetes documentation, but I believe so long as the "sidecar" runs, the pod is kept alive. In my case, the "main" container is not long-lived; once it exits, the "sidecar" should be ...
Monitoring Kubernetes PVC disk usage - Stack Overflow
Oct 26, 2020 · As stated in the Kubernetes documentation, PV (PersistentVolume) and PVC (PersistentVolumeClaim) are abstractions over storage. As such, I do not think you can inspect PV or PVC, but you can inspect the storage medium. To get the usage, create a debugging pod which will use your PVC, from which you will check the usage.
Add Sidecar container to running pod (s) - Stack Overflow
Nov 5, 2020 · Now to define this sidecar container, I want to avoid changing vendor defined deployment scripts. Instead i want some alternative way to attach the sidecar container to the running pod(s). Below I've included two methods to add a sidecar to a Deployment. Both of those methods will reload the Pods to match new specification: Use $ kubectl patch
How to configure side-car of StatefulSet to use persistent-volume …
You asked quite general question without any specific requirements (only GKE tags) and 2 containers using the same PV. I've tested very simple example of statefulset . When you are using statefulset you must remember about some statefulset limitations .
How do I talk to a pod from sidecar container in Kubernetes?
Sep 2, 2018 · And here's my service to the pod--- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: sidecar-service spec: ports: - name: http port: 80 targetPort: 32001 protocol: TCP selector: app: sidecar type: NodePort After deploying ingress, I can connect to the service and sidecar2, because sidecar2 is exposed via service:
How to Hard Limit Of Storage Usage - Stack Overflow
Sep 19, 2024 · They have separate pv/pvc. Pod 1 claims 10Gi, Pod 2 claims 15Gi; Node has 25 Gi free filesystem volume for pv's. Storageclass provisioner is rancher and pv volumeMode is Filesystem. As I understand, Pod 1 can write more than 10 Gi if the free storage of node is avaible. How to hard limit the pod 1 to not use more than its pvc, ie 10 Gi?
Error while running the MongoDB as a Statefulset set in Kubernetes
Nov 19, 2022 · Due to affinity your PV is attached to one type of specific node only. when you are deploying the deployment it's not getting scheduled on that specific node and your POD is not getting that PV or PVC. If you are adding node affinity to PVC add it to deployment also. So both PVC and pod get scheduled on the same node. Resolution steps:
How to share files in Kubernetes from the main container to a …
Jan 31, 2024 · Don't use volumes here. Kubernetes volume mounts act like every other Unix mount: whatever gets mounted (here the PVC) hides what was in the filesystem before (the image content) and you can't get access to it.