Shammai - receive everyone with a pleasant countenance
Jul 16, 2018 · R. Gershon Chanoch Lapeh also raises this contradiction and says that there is a simple resolution. In Avos, Shammai refers to every אדם (man/person). However there is a Talmudic passage in Bava Metziah that says that gentiles are not called אדם. Thus, Shammai's adage did not apply to his situation in Maseches Shabbos:
arayot - Why Shammai says that a man can only divorce his wife …
Jul 17, 2018 · The opinion of the House of Shammai, as quoted in the Mishnah (Gittin 90a), is: Beit Shammai say: A man may not divorce his wife unless he finds out about her having engaged in a matter of forbidden sexual intercourse [devar erva], as it is stated: “Because he has found some unseemly matter [ervat davar] in her, and he writes her …
Why do Beit Shammai and Beit Hillel always argue?
Bet Shammai says, One may not put bundles of flax into the oven, unless they will be steamed during the day; nor wool into the kettle, unless it will absorb the appearance. But Bet Hillel permits it. Bet Shammai says, One may not spread nets for animals, birds or fish, unless they ensnare during the day; Bet Hillel permits.
What did Beit Hillel and Beit Shammai argue about for three years?
Mar 21, 2013 · Also notice that the two sides are Beit Shammai and Beit Hillel. The Talmud in Shabbos outlines Between 3 and 5 disputes between Hillel and Shammai themselves, a mere handful. However, throughout the mishnah, one can see many more argumens between Beit Shammai and Beit Hillel, the two sages' respective schools, which survived them.
talmud gemara - Was Shammai a builder? - Mi Yodeya
Nov 21, 2020 · Shammai pushed him away with the builder’s cubit in his hand. ( This was a common measuring stick and Shammai was a builder by trade. ) The same gentile came before Hillel.
What were the main principles of Hillel and Shammai's ... - Mi …
Sep 26, 2019 · Shammai was the Av Beis Din, the head of the Sanhedrin and thus the judicial system. Hillel's job was to be sympathetic; Shammai's job was to enforce strict justice. The Maharal explains that because of that lack of apprenticeship, the students' didn't realize the difference between their mentor's value, and his job.
maseches shabbos - Is the Story About Members of Beis Shammai …
R. Guttentag in his sefer Tal Oros Vol.1 here in his in-depth essay about Beis Hillel and Beis Shammai explains that the students of Beis Shammai in this story refer to some of the young hotheads who suspected that the opinion of the students of Beis Hillel came from a corrupt Torah outlook, and thus considered them rebels against the Torah and so they wanted to harm them.
Will we follow Beis Shammai in times of Moshiach?
Oct 17, 2012 · 1) Mikdash Melech: Hillel represents kindness and Shammai severity (hence the rulings of Beis Hillel are almost always more lenient). When Moshaich comes the advantage of the severity will be revealed and therefore the halacha will be in accordance with Beis Shamai.
Why Hillel and Shammai are called "the Elder"? - Mi Yodeya
Mar 29, 2021 · Shammai (I) the Zaken; Rabbi Shammai, a 4th / 5th generation Amora from Eretz Yisrael -- for this, see e.g. Yerushalmi Demai 5:1, and others listed by Hyman. Hillel (I) the Zaken; Rav Hillel (I), a 4th / 5th generation Amora from Bavel (Rabbi) Hillel (II), a 1st generation Amora from Eretz Yisrael; Rav Hillel (II), a 6th generation Amora from ...
What happened in R' Chananya's penthouse (18 Dvarim)?
Beis Shammai tended to appeal to the sharper scholars, and they began with the more persuasive arguments. And though Beis Hillel won in general (see elsewhere on this site for why that was), in the case of eighteen disputes and eighteen enactments Beis Shammai persuaded a majority of the Sanhedrin of their correctness.