LIVE: Saturn V - Apollo 11 - LAUNCH and Lunar Transit UPDATES
Jul 20, 2014 · Apollo 11 Saturn V at pad 39-A Apollo 11 Lunar Module Pilot Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr. eating supper in crew quarters on the night before launch Aldrin and Armstrong enjoy …
Saturn V Launch vs. Shuttle Launch: Any Eyewitness Accounts
May 8, 2009 · Someone, I forget who (one of the Shuttle astronauts, in a TV interview) said, "When those solids light, you know you're going somewhere." I never managed to get to a …
Saturn V Lamp - NASASpaceFlight.com
Jul 5, 2016 · Re: Saturn V Lamp « Reply #8 on: 02/17/2017 05:00 pm » I did this search on Google (polyester batting for aquarium filter) and there are several choices and advice.
The Saturn V thread - NASASpaceFlight.com
Jan 27, 2006 · But the full Saturn V, remember there were more versions, was 7.5 million lbs thrust from liquid propellant and the STS is 7.7 million lbs thrust, 6.6 million of that coming …
Saturn V: Could it perform today with Upgrades?
Aug 18, 2006 · And the Saturn V's old guidance system and electronics boxes were immense and bulky and wouldn't work very well, if at all, with todays launch control computers and support …
Saturn V launch vibration
Dec 28, 2014 · Everyone who flew on a Saturn V reported that, for the first minute or so of first-stage flight (while the vehicle was responding to the acoustic shock reflected from the ground), …
Saturn V staging
Feb 28, 2009 · Yep Dean - seems you are right. It was from memory is all; at least I got 15 right.. And the following from the official 15 Saturn V post-launch report: Deletion of the S-II ullage …
Reusable Saturn V - NASASpaceFlight.com
Mar 17, 2015 · In perfect hindsight, could a simplified design be applied to Saturn V to make it cheaper to operate and potentially reusable? My own thinking on this was to have a 2-stage …
Cost comparison in todays dollars STS vs. Saturn V
Apr 11, 2011 · The Saturn V is just a launcher -- it can't service the Hubble Space Telescope -- but just from a launcher vs launcher standpoint, we could evaluate the costs this way: There …
Why can't we build the Saturn V again? - NASASpaceFlight.com
Mar 26, 2008 · Forget the IB and instead fly the Saturn V-B or V-C this would allow common launch platforms and towers as well as common engines between all vehicles. If someone …