Saruman | Tolkien Wiki
Apr 10, 2020 · Saruman pretended to keep his loyalty to the adversary while he was yearning for the Ring. However, his plans lay wasted because he was defeated both during the Battle of Isengard, as well as the Battle of the Hornburg. Before Saruman’s descent, he was the leader of all the Wizards, as well as the White Council.
️Sauron and Saruman - The Tragedy of Good Intentions
May 30, 2019 · Both Sauron and Saruman, embodying Nietzche's modernist philosophy, decided to try and achieve perfection (that is, Godhood) on their own. But in trying to become gods, they created Hell on earth. And this result was unavoidable - perfection after all is the domain of the divine, and can never be achieved in the physical reality of Middle Earth.
️Sauron vs. Saruman - The Tolkien Forum
Dec 24, 2001 · If Saruman got control of the Ringwraiths, it would change a lot of things. Dol Guldur and Minas Morgul are controlled by wraiths, imagine those orc garrisons joining Saruman's forces. The wielders of the three rings would probably give theirs up rather than let Saruman control them, but Saruman would certainly get hold of them, depowering ...
The Tragic Character of Saruman. - The Tolkien Forum
Mar 30, 2004 · I feel that Saruman fits the bill quite nicely, while other characters such as Gollum are just pathetic and show no real tragic parts. Obviously Saruman's tragic flaw is his need for power and thus his thirst for the ring. It is this that eventualy leads to his demise and the lose of his title over the councile and eventualy his life.
The answer to Saruman's Ring - The Tolkien Forum
Jan 13, 2002 · Saruman's ring is not one of the 19. In the version that you are referring to Radagast the Brown was Radagast the Grey, Shadowfax was Greyfax and Boromir was from the Land of Ond, among other differences. In the final version in LOTR Saruman had made his own ring in imitation of the rings of power. It was not one of them.
Saruman and the horses, was that weird to you too?
Jul 23, 2002 · Something along the lines of "I understand you all too well, but you understand me not at all." Simply put, Gandalf is THE expert on Saruman's mind and his doings. If Gandalf advances a theory about so-and-so being Saruman, then I'm going to need 100% proof before I consider contradicting this theory.
saruman and ️sauron alliance ???? | The Tolkien Forum
Aug 8, 2002 · There is a note in UT saying that although Saruman, a Maia is much stronger than Denethor, the latter is much less under Sauron's influence, b/c Denethor was the rightful owner of the Palantir of MT, and Saruman was not the rightful owner of the Orthanc's stone.
The Death of Saruman | The Tolkien Forum
Apr 27, 2005 · Saruman was almost denuded of power by the time Gandalf and Theoden confronted him, and when he was finally killed, it was in such graceless circumstances (especially considering the commission he was given on entering Middle-earth) that Mandos, who must have known him personally, drew up a unique 'purgatory' for him.
Caradhras or Saruman? | The Tolkien Forum
May 31, 2002 · Search titles only By: Search Advanced search…
How did Gandalf get his staff back from Saruman?
Nov 17, 2004 · Saruman, in having had his staff taken by Gandalf, would have been humiliated. Part of his power rested on the respect people showed him, with that gone he lost something of that power, only by having his staff returned to him by the one who took it away i.e. Gandalf, could Saruman regain his former status.