MiiCharacters.com - MiiCharacters.com - Famous Miis for the Wii …
Famous Mii Characters & QR Codes for your Nintendo Wii U, Wii, 3DS, and Miitomo. Search for famous Mii Characters and get printable, step-by-step instructions on how to create them. Scan Mii QR Codes with your 3DS, Wii U, or Miitomo App. Fill your Mii Plaza with celebrities!
Sample Miis | HafzaProduction's Miis Wiki | Fandom
Sample Miis are Miis that are Samples made by Nintendo (Though the following on this wiki is made by HafzaProductions, but as fanon*, Nintendo), and only appear in promotion images. All 11 Sample Miis shown here are officially extracted by JimmyHoes (fictional user) by using homebrewing hacks.
Mii Renderer (REAL)
Jun 18, 2022 · This site renders Mii images in Wii U style, with many expressions to choose from. It accepts Mii data from your old NNID (Wii U/3DS account), a Mii QR Code, or even a Pretendo Network ID.
List of official Miis - MiiWiki
They are playable characters in every game that supports Nintendo's official Mii library, and can be used if the player has no Mii characters on their system.
Mii Results
Generate instructions for any mii from it's .mii file. A .mii file is a binary file that represents a Mii character on the Wii.
Mario Kart 8 Mii Showcase - Sarah, known as Sample Mii
Apr 22, 2017 · Today, I am showcasing Sarah/Kimi/Mai, the sample Mii in every single Nintendo console!Check out more videos! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOwnZKI5BODkFz...
Mii Library
The Mii Library is a site documenting every single Mii to have ever been used in an official capacity, by HEYimHeroic using Google Sites. Every Mii will have images of their face and full body, and a QR code image to be scanned into Mii Maker or other Mii QR code-supporting app.
Mii Details for Sample Mii - MiiCharacters.com
Mii character details for Sample Mii. Add this Mii to your Nintendo Wii U, Wii, 3DS, or MiiTomo App!
Sample 1 (Jack) | HafzaProduction's Miis Wiki | Fandom
Jack is a Sample Mii made by Nintendo (Fictional). He is the first Mii created by Nintendo on the 3DS. He only appears in Wii U Mii maker promotions, as well an image to scan QR Codes. Unlike Gen 3 or First Gen Miis, his nationality is not given, making his country of origin unknown.
Sample Miis - Mii Marnings Wiki
Mii Bases: Girl and Boy by IDontLikeCoffee22. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.