7.62 Nato in Saiga .308 - Saiga .308 - forum.Saiga-12.com
Dec 31, 2007 · Does the Saiga have the tight 308 Win chamber, or the slightly looser 7.62 Nato chamber. Hopefully, it's got the 7.62 chamber. If not, it's a simple matter of a few minutes with …
How accurate is your 7.62x39 Saiga? - Saiga 7.62 X 39
Oct 3, 2008 · 7.62x39 converted Saiga: Silver Bear JHP: 4 shot cloverleaf (1/2 in) at 25 yards with 5th shot opened up to 3/4 inch vertical. Iron sights. Did not do paper at 100, but killed every …
7.62 Conversion Builders Notes - forum.Saiga-12.com
Nov 20, 2005 · I modified my original 10 round Saiga mag to clear the extended length of my bullet guide. I basically just cut out the material at the top front of the mag like a standard AK …
7.62x39 for Hunting???? - Saiga 7.62 X 39 - forum.Saiga-12.com
Oct 18, 2010 · Stick with your Saiga 7.62 and Soft Point ammo 200yards and in for optimum killing power on any 4 legged animal up to 200'ish pounds and your golden man. Know your …
Saiga 7.62x39 accuracy - Saiga 7.62 X 39 - forum.Saiga-12.com
Jul 19, 2011 · Saiga's have a Russian 100 series barrel built into the gun, which is newer and more precise than older barrels. There tend to be less issues with Saiga's too, as you don't …
U.S. made Sporter Stock? - Saiga 7.62 X 39 - forum.Saiga-12.com
Jun 3, 2009 · New Wood Furniture set specifically for the .223 and 7.62 x 39 Saiga rifles. Made by Izmash and is ...
best conversion kit? - Saiga 7.62 X 39 - forum.Saiga-12.com
Dec 29, 2014 · In either case, highly recommend a bullet guide and opening up the mag catch. The ability to use AK mags rather than the proprietary Saiga mags (typically for 3X the price …
Converting AK-47 magazine to fit Saiga 7.62X39
Jan 4, 2007 · I have an unconverted stock 7.62X39 Saiga I bought two years ago. It came with 5 and 10 rds mags. So yes I would like to modify a stock AK 30 rd magazine to work in my …
Hand Guard Conversion - Saiga 7.62 X 39 - forum.Saiga-12.com
Dec 10, 2013 · Hello, I just recently purchased a Saiga IZ-132. I still need to do the conversion, and have all the parts to. The only thing I dont have, is the hand guard conversion parts. I …
saiga 7.62x39 with a 20in barrel ? - Saiga 7.62 X 39 - forum.Saiga …
Jun 16, 2011 · I bought my Saiga to be scoped and used in hunting as well as paper punching, I felt that with scope the long barrel looks more "appropriate" even if it doesn't add accuracy. in …