SCP-NaN - SCP Foundation
DESCRIPTION: SCP- NaN is the designation for an esoteric Database region subjected to higher-order computational phenomena in the presence of distinct anomalies. Functionally, it is a region of memoryspace with extreme specificity, preferring its affected sectors be filled with whitespace at any given time.
SCP-8909 | SITE-78 | Fandom
Description# : This SCP was found on the 16th of April 1996 and it absorbed one of our units and it gain another leg and an arm. It is 5'6' and now has over 100 arms and 50 legs. It's main body is bright peach.
SCP-NaN - А Н Т И Ф Р А Г М Е Н Т - SCP Foundation
ОПИСАНИЕ: scp-nan — это обозначение нетипичного региона Базы данных, подверженного высокоуровневым вычислительным феноменам при наличии ярко выраженных аномалий. Фактически это крайне ...
Scp-8909 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
Feb 1, 2019 · If any personal attempt or find a way to get into Scp-8909 they must be immediately termantied and the body must be dissolved in a sulfuric acid and a cover up story must be made for the personal. Description: Scp-8909 is a standard looking office desk.
SCP Series 9
6 days ago · SCP Series 9 Table of Contents Content Archives 8000 to 8099 8100 to 8199 8200 to 8299 8300 to 8399 8400 to 8499 8500 to 8599 8600 to 8699 8700 to 8799 8800 to 8899 8900 to 8999. Content Archives. Foundation Universe Hub - For information on Sites, Mobile Task Forces, Departments, and more. Audio ...
Scp 8909 (Reworked) | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
If any personal attempt or find a way to get into Scp-8909 they must be immediately terminated and the body must be dissolved in a sulfuric acid and a cover up story must be made for the personal. Description: Scp-8909 is a standard looking office desk.
このシステムの再帰的アーカイブプロトコルは、パーミッションがある場合上書きされたセクターの部分的再構築を可能にしているものの、このアノマリーの予測不能なふるまいによってしばしばその努力が水泡に帰します。 このため、代わりにSCP- NaN は、以下に概説されるアクセス制限手続きおよび対応プロトコルに従っています。 アクセス制限手続き: SCP- NaN -アルファ実例群は危険なヌル実体として扱われます。 標準作業条件の下では、いかなる削除部門職員 …
SCP-809 - SCP Foundation
Oct 20, 2022 · Description: SCP-809 is a heavily stained and worn pair of leather boots, designated SCP-809-1 and SCP-809-2 for the left and right boot respectively. Forensic analysis of the boots confirms that the stains are composed of clay-rich soil and human blood.
Scp 8909 - SB-KO3 - scpkosb3.wikidot.com
Jan 19, 2025 · DESCRIPTION: SCP- NaN is the designation for an esoteric Database region subjected to higher-order computational phenomena in the presence of distinct anomalies. Functionally, it is a region of memoryspace with extreme specificity, preferring its affected sectors be filled with whitespace at any given time.
Форум — SCP-NaN - А Н Т И Ф Р А Г М Е ... - SCP Foundation
Форум » Обсуждение и знакомство » Обсуждение отдельных страниц » scp-nan - А Н Т И Ф Р А Г М Е Н Т Создатель: system Дата: 19:17 23.01.2025
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