Welcome - Ryk E. Spoor, Author, Gamer, Geek God
Announcements Choosing the Players, the first book in The Spirit Warriors, is now available! So is the entire Demons of the Past trilogy! I'm posting a few chapters of Choosing the Players each week for a while; look on my blog entries! The GoFundMe remains active as my family is still not out of the woods. I currently have no webmaster, and I …
Blog - Ryk E. Spoor, Author, Gamer, Geek God
Nov 5, 2023 · Here's the first of several samples of my newly-published novel Choosing the Players! THE SPIRIT WARRIORS Book 1: Choosing the Players By Ryk E. Spoor Prologue: Witness to the End Zarathan: 500,000 years ago "Should I be leaving?" Khoros said, looking somewhat up at his host. "Oh, pfft," the gigantic Toad said airily.
Arenaverse - Ryk E. Spoor, Author, Gamer, Geek God
"The Arenaverse" is the multiverse of my Arena series, which begins with Grand Central Arena. Currently the series has two volumes, Grand Central Arena (often abbreviated as GCA) and Spheres of Influence (often just called Spheres). The major action in the Arenaverse takes place in roughly the year 2375. There are two primary "universes" or general locations seen in the Arenaverse: the normal
Welcome to My New Website - Ryk E. Spoor, Author, Gamer, Geek …
May 7, 2012 · I'm Ryk E. Spoor; click the "About Ryk E. Spoor" tab if you want way too much info on me. What's important in regards to this blog is that I'm a science-fiction and fantasy writer with, at present, five published novels and three more under contract.
Under the Influence: The Arduin Grimoires - Ryk E. Spoor, Author, …
Nov 23, 2012 · Ryk – Glad to see that Dave’s work is well remembered. I’d like to address the point that ‘Dave claimed to have independently invented’ RPG gaming. I gamed with Dave several times and was part of consortiums considering buying Dave’s material from Grimore Games.
Complete Book List - Ryk E. Spoor, Author, Gamer, Geek God
So, here's the "Ryk Spoor Complete Book List," organized both alphabetically and by series. The book list is organized both alphabetically and by series. Some books that aren't in the same series are still set in the same world. Alphabetically: Boundary Castaway Odyssey (forthcoming) Castaway Peril (forthcoming) Castaway Planet Challenges of the Deep French Roast […]
Shadows of Hyperion: Chapter 1 - Ryk E. Spoor, Author, Gamer, …
May 19, 2021 · Filed Under: Ryk E. Spoor, Writing Tagged With: Arenaverse, Ariane Austin, books, DuQuesne, Hyperion, Shadows of Hyperion, Simon Sandrisson, snippets, Sun Wu Kung, Writing
Boundary Trilogy - Ryk E. Spoor, Author, Gamer, Geek God
Overview. The Boundary trilogy is the set of three hard-SF novels titled Boundary, Threshold, and Portal, written by myself and Eric Flint.All three of them, plus the YA novel Castaway Planet, take place in a universe very much like our own.The main trilogy takes place at a not completely defined but relatively short time in the future (about 30 years from "now").
Shadows of Hyperion: Chapter 3 - Ryk E. Spoor, Author, Gamer, …
May 20, 2021 · Filed Under: Ryk E. Spoor, Writing Tagged With: Arenaverse, Ariane Austin, books, Davia the Dynamo, DuQuesne, Oasis Abrams, Simon Sandrisson, snippets, Sun Wu Kung, Writing
LEGEND: Prologue - Ryk E. Spoor, Author, Gamer, Geek God
Mar 7, 2019 · By Ryk E. Spoor . Prologue. It's going to be a chilly night. Virginia shivered, even though it wasn't cold yet. But she knew she wouldn't be able to go back to the apartment; her father might be chasing after her, or he might have given up for now, but either way going back there was asking for more bruises or worse.