Layered Clothing Items Disappearing Ingame - Roblox
Dec 20, 2024 · Several of my layered clothing items have been affected by a bug which causes them to not appear on a player’s avatar when they are worn on the website or in a game. When joining a game, the suits will appear for a fraction of a second before immediately disappearing and will appear for a short period of time when resetting before disappearing once more, as seen in the attached video. These ...
Massive Glitch Avatar from Layered Clothing Combo - Roblox
Sep 23, 2023 · Items to equip: Result:
Layered Clothing Used To Create Giant Avatars - Roblox
Apr 23, 2022 · Reproduction Steps By equipping certain layered clothing, users are able to stretch their clothes to unreasonable sizes. I believe this is due to full-body clothing. In other words, an asset listed as a jacket, pants, shirt, or otherwise that actually covers the player’s entire body. By wearing multiple layers of these, the scale of the clothing increases as …
Making an avatar be able to support layered clothing - Roblox
May 1, 2024 · Hello! I’ve been trying to make a custom character for my game in blender utlizing Roblox’s following naming rules: [BODY PART]_Geo [BODY PART]_InnerCage [BODY PART]_OuterCage Here is how it looks like: The rig works fine. However the issue is that layered clothing doesn’t attach well to the body, even when it is automatic. To be quite honest, there’s no a lot of good information for ...
Remakeable - A free and easy-to-use design editor for Roblox …
Oct 25, 2022 · Hi everyone, We made a free online 3D design tool called Remakeable (https://remakeable.com). The goal of the tool is to enable people without strong design skills (like myself 😅) to design clothing and other 3D UGC assets in the future. Because of this goal, we made it very intuitive and easy to use. Here are some highlight features 👇 Easy customizations from the outfits library The ...
Layered Clothing Full Release - Equip All Six Layers - Roblox
Apr 4, 2022 · Layered Clothing are clothes that stretch and fit over any avatar body and existing layered items. You can find the current collection of Layered Clothing in the Clothing category of the Catalog. At this time, when customizing your outfit in the Avatar Editor, your avatar can wear one clothing item at a time from each of the categories:
Layered clothing disappearing when altering character scale
Oct 3, 2024 · [ This is more of a bug report, but I do not have access to that section of the forums ] For the past two or three days ago, layered clothing has been behaving worse than ever. Usually, when scaling the character up dramatically to something extreme, (such as 50 or higher), it would make some layered clothing layers disappear (although there were clothing items that still worked when not ...
Approved clothing doesn't display on avatar - Roblox
Jan 4, 2021 · So for some of my clothing assets people have been complaining the clothing they bought ‘doesn’t go in their inventory’ and I decided to invesigate it and it turns out, the clothing quite literally doesnt go on your character if you wear it pants dont display on avatar the pants arent deleted but trying it on makes it look like you aren’t …
[Coming Soon] Improved Layered Clothing Fit - Roblox
Mar 14, 2025 · Hello Creators, Today we’re excited to preview some upcoming changes to the Layered Clothing fitting algorithm. These changes will address 3 classes of fit defects (detailed below) and together we believe they will greatly improve the visual quality of avatars wearing Layered Clothing. We intend to roll these changes out to all users by the end of the month (~3/31). Fitting Defects Addressed ...
Clothing Appears Blurry In-game - Platform Usage Support - Roblox
Nov 23, 2024 · Clothing in my game is appearing blurry. My game didn’t used to look like this, I just noticed it today without making any changes to the game. Is there anything I can do to make the clothing display at the correct resolution? Only some of the clothing displays like this. There are about 200 display humanoids in this game if that matters. I …