My Riva Aquarama Plans - Boat Design Net
Nov 14, 2004 · I have been selling plans over the last few months for Chris Craft, Riva, Gar Wood etc. I have been providing them on CD in a cad format with the viewer and printer that enables printing in any scale. BUT... I'm not convinced it's that usefull anymore. I was quoted between $200 and well over $300 for full scale plans from plan printing shops ...
My Riva Aquarama Plans | Page 7 | Boat Design Net
Nov 14, 2004 · Classic Wooden Boat Plans is run by a fellow in Australia, who has no real boat building nor yacht design experience. He's a CAD user that has taken public domain plans, scanned them and down loaded PDF's onto disk, for unsuspecting folks to buy. All of these plans are available free online.
My Riva Aquarama Plans | Page 3 | Boat Design Net
Nov 14, 2004 · An architect or yacht designer can study a set of plans like Riva, redesign a new set of plans of a boat that looks like a Riva or very similiar and the new plans a rightfully his own. The designer could even say "inspired by the designs of Carlos Riva". Music, cars, boats similiar copies are designed every day. I like Cudashark's workmanship.
My Riva Aquarama Plans | Page 4 | Boat Design Net
Jul 13, 2010 · I've been thinking of building a boat in the style of the 24' RIVA Super Aquamarine. I have been studying the plans and hull design for the Glen-L Gentry design as previously posted and was considering using this as a basis and scaling the design to produce a 22 footer with an 8'6" beam. I would then re-layout the cockpit to be similar to the RIVA.
27' Riva Aquarama Clone - Boat Design Net
Jul 14, 2021 · Weight, weight distribution, strength and stiffness must match the original if you want the boat to perform the same. The only thing that remains the same is the shape. Please keep in mind, your plans are for a Riva lookalike, adapted for home building, not the original boat. Now to your questions: 1.
Riva Aquarama Plans - Boat Design Net
Apr 5, 2010 · I am new to boatbuilding but have been a woodworker for over 20 years. I have built custom furniture to custom Acoustic guitars and wanted to get into wooden powerboats for the artistry and beauty. I have found plans for a RIVA AQUARAMA 27' with twin V8's at woodenboatplans.com and wondered if anyone has bought these plans and how detailed they ...
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Boat Plans and boat designs from select Naval Architects, Yacht Designers, and Marine Architects. Powerboat plans, sailboat plans, monohull, multihull, and trihull boat building plans.
Downscale Riva plans. Will it cause problems? | Boat Design Net
Aug 22, 2017 · I've actually already ordered the plans for a Glen-l Tahoe, but when i saw the plans for the Riva Aquarama that classic wooden boat plans has, I'm thinking about ordering the Riva instead (since this is the boat I originally wanted). Only thing is that The Riva is 27'. My shop can only take a 23'. Is there any problems with downscaling the 27 ...
My Riva Aquarama Plans | Page 2 | Boat Design Net
Nov 14, 2004 · The guy “John” of classic lines aka classicwoodenboatplans selling the Riva Plans is doing a disservice to Riva. I have purchased the plans being sold via ebay as 1970 Riva Aquarama Special only there is no such thing. It would have to be a 1972. The plans are arguably horrible and are totally in the wrong scale.
Riva Aquarama - Boat Design Net
Jun 9, 2009 · I would look for proper plans for sale - for a SIMILAR boat. A proper set of building plans designed for DIY builders will serve you much better than random parts lists and lines. Also I do not think real aquarama is the easiest boat to build the round shapes on the rear don't look manageable for a non experienced builder.