Red Color Codes
A list of RED color codes and shades of red for HTML, CSS and website development with HEX and RGB codes.
Red / #ff0000 hex color - ColorHexa
#ff0000 color description : Pure (or mostly pure) red. The hexadecimal color #ff0000 has RGB values of R:255, G:0, B:0 and CMYK values of C:0, M:1, Y:1, K:0. Its decimal value is 16711680. Below, you can see some colors close to #ff0000.
#ff0000 Color Hex Red1
#ff0000 color RGB value is (255,0,0). This hex color code is also a web safe color which is equal to #F00. #ff0000 color name is Red1 color. #ff0000 hex color red value is 255, green value is 0 and the blue value of its RGB is 0.
Red color code - HTML RGB red color - RapidTables.com
HTML RGB red colors. Shades of red.
Red Color [HEX: #FF0000] - HTML Color Codes
Red hex color code for HTML including the css name, hex, rgb, hsl values and similar lighter / darker color codes.
Red Color, Codes and Facts – HTML Color Codes
Red is a vivid color with the hex code #FF0000, one of the major colors in the RGB color model. A color associated with passion and love, danger and courage, red is an important staple in art, fashion, and the natural world.
Red / Adobe / #ff0000 / #f00 Hex Color Code - Encycolorpedia
Red / Adobe / #ff0000 / #f00 Hex Color Code. Exact Matching Paints: RAL 3026 / Luminous bright red; Comex Rojo 000-23. The color red with hexadecimal color code #ff0000 / #f00 is a shade of red. In the RGB color model #ff0000 is composed of 100.0% red, 0.0% green and 0.0% blue.
Red Color Codes – Hex, RGB and CMYK - colorcodes.io
Find hex, RGB and CMYK color values of some favorite shades of red.
Html Css Color HEX #ff0000 Red
#FF0000 (or 0xFF0000) is known color: Red. HEX triplet: FF, 00 and 00. RGB value is (255,0,0). Sum of RGB (Red+Green+Blue) = 255+0+0=255 (33% of max value = 765).
Red color hex code is #FF0000 - Color-Name.com
Red has the hex code #FF0000. The equivalent RGB values are (255, 0, 0), which means it is composed of 100% red, 0% green and 0% blue. The CMYK color codes, used in printers, are C:0 M:100 Y:100 K:0. In the HSV/HSB scale, Red has a hue of …
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