Well it's decision time - RS6 vs. RS4 - AudiWorld Forums
Aug 29, 2008 · RS4 (B7 Platform) Discussion - Well it's decision time - RS6 vs. RS4 - I was all but done pulling the trigger on the RS4 of choice for me... $63k all in. However, I was recently made aware of a 20k mileage mint RS6 withing convenient driving distance, so I went to look/drive it.
K04 vs K04/RS6 vs Garretts vs hybrids... - AudiWorld
Feb 27, 2006 · K04/RS6 is basiclly K04 turbo mod. with RS6 turbo wheels know as K-20 compressor wheels K04/16 or K04/24 is another mod. with a bigger compressor wheels there are also some K03/16 or K03/K04 which using the stock K03 …
Turbos: RS6 vs GT25R vs GT28R vs K04? - AudiWorld Forums
Feb 18, 2008 · S4 / RS4 (B5 Platform) Discussion - Turbos: RS6 vs GT25R vs GT28R vs K04? - I also know that each of the GT turbos have about a dozen different configurations each, but i'll take whatever you guys got. Here is my question. Can anyone provide a concise explanation of the differences in power (peak, power band, spool...
K04 S4 vs. RS4 vs. RS6 - Page 2 - AudiWorld Forums
May 8, 2002 · S4 / RS4 (B5 Platform) Discussion - K04 S4 vs. RS4 vs. RS6 - After seeing that couple people is importing the RS4 in the states. I have my eyes on it. I did put a deposit down on the RS6 already. And I already own a S4 Avant. Should I just do K04 and forget about RS4. or get the RS4 and forget about RS6. I know that...
RS6 vs M3CS - AudiWorld Forums
Sep 24, 2024 · Two very different cars! Having driven the BMW and owned an RS6 for 25k miles, I would choose the RS6 9actually did, have a 2025 RS6 on order). The RS6 is a much more practical car for daily use. Let's not fool ourselves though, it is a 5000 pound car. That is not going to be a track car, although I have driven mine on the track and it is a lot ...
RS4 mesh vs. RS6 mesh - AudiWorld Forums
Mar 21, 2009 · A6 / S6 (C5 Platform) Discussion - RS4 mesh vs. RS6 mesh - Are the honeycomb mesh of both the RS4 and RS6 the same?
What is the difference between RS4 and RS6... - AudiWorld
Apr 11, 2005 · RS 6 Discussion (C5) - What is the difference between RS4 and RS6... - I noticed they both have the same 4.2 Liter V8 but the only performance difference I saw was the RS4 is not twin turbo charged which take the 340 to 450 HP so would it actually be worth it to get an RS6 or should I just get the RS4 and twin turbo...
RS6 vs RS7 - AudiWorld Forums
Mar 10, 2020 · RS 6 (C8 Platform) Discussion - RS6 vs RS7 - Hello, New to Audi, can anyone explain the differences between the 2021 RS6 and 2021 RS7. (Other than one is a wagon) Trying to figure out the price difference. Thanks, Eric
Audi RS6 – Which of the Four Generations Is the Best?
May 2, 2024 · Then we have the newest Audi RS6 of the lot – the C8 – which in this case is the Performance model with 630 horsepower coming from its twin-turbocharged 4.0-liter V8. For starters, our host calls it “violently quick,” with a response gearbox and a capable yet cushy ride coming from its air suspension in this case.
My RS6/Hybrid build... - AudiWorld
Feb 8, 2010 · S4 / RS4 (B5 Platform) Discussion - My RS6/Hybrid build... - I have decided to go with the RS6/Hybrid turbos from vast. Basically a RS6 turbo with a .59mm intake compressor wheel and a bored out housing. The inlet is also sleeved because of how thin boring the housing makes it. Thanks to Prince for everything I'm...