Suzuki Raider R150 Fi Motorcycle | Philippines
Living up to the Raider’s name as the Underbone King, the R150 Fi is the most powerful and superior Raider motorcycle yet. Featuring Suzuki’s signature Double Overhead Camshaft (DOHC or Twincam) 150cc engine, the Raider R150 Fi provides maximum power and performance inherited from Suzuki technologies developed for racing.
Protocol addressing and routing support, DNP-3, Modbus and IEC 870 compatibility. The Crescendo series is suited for applications in Utilities, Mining, Agriculture and Transport industries where reliable long distance data transfer is critical.
The RFI-150 VHF half duplex radio modem is suited for applications ranging from small point-to-point links through to large broadcast point-to-multipoint data communications networks. For above-ground applications, the RFI-150 can be used with common VHF antennas.
VHF Meander™ Collinear, 6dBd, 150-160MHz - RFI Americas
– Patented Meander™ PCB design for optimum RF pattern stability – Industry leading PIM ratings (-150dBc) providing low IM and low noise characteristics for optimum network performance – Excellent Peak Instantaneous Power(PIP) rating (25kW)
Licensed Data Radio Modems & Leaky Feeder Split Port Radios
Product Code: RFI-150 DWDDH0 5 Watt, 19.2 kbps full-duplex radio modem for use in underground applications. The unit is ideal for time critical applications with low latency, foward error correction and protocol timing support.
RF Innovations RFI 150-W-D-DD-H-1 Operation Manual
View and Download RF Innovations RFI 150-W-D-DD-H-1 operation manual online. VHF Full-Duplex Data-Driven Split-Port Radio. RFI 150-W-D-DD-H-1 radio modems pdf manual download.
Protocol addressing and routing support, DNP-3, Modbus and IEC 870 compatibility. The Crescendo series is suited for applications in Utilities, Mining, Agriculture and Transport industries where reliable long distance data transfer is critical.
Philippine's Best Motorcycle Dealer | SUZUKI Raider R150 Fi
Wrapped in a sportier styling, lying in its heart improved engine components as well to navigate both busy alleyways and suburban roads – that’s the new Suzuki Raider R150 Fi . All trademarks mentioned on this page are property of their respective owners. Motortrade is the leading motorcycle dealer in the Philippines.
Raider R150Fi - Suzuki Malaysia
The Raider R150Fi is a hyper underbone model featuring acceleration that outperforms its competitors. It provides maximum power and performance inherited from Suzuki technologies developed for the MotoGP machine, as well as Suzuki’s original sporty styling that looks like no other brand out there.
Analog Radio Frequency Interference Filter M-150 OPTO-TECH™ Features • Patented design provides radio frequency interference (RFI) attenuation up to -57 dB • Eliminates RFI including AM, FM, CB and amateur radio from voiceband DC signal • Passive Device - No ground required • Tip & Ring balanced to 600 ohm telephone line impedance