Penetration vs Damage — Elder Scrolls Online
Jul 21, 2021 · 18200 is the pen cap in pve. Tanks at min apply major and minor breach (pierce armor) ~9k, and most use crusher enchant on back bar. So if you're mag dps you're already at the cap thanks to the light armor passives.
Penetration vs Critical Damage in 2024 — Elder Scrolls Online
Feb 4, 2024 · Sure there's players that run less but they're going to die regardless 22k total pen = 11k base pen + 9k major/minor breach + 2k Force of Nature I put together a 36k total penetration build for fun (Shattered Fate, Wood Elf, Lover, Divines, 5 Light, Fracturing poison, Crushing enchant, Sharpened frontbar, 5x Force of Nature, Major/Minor Breach ...
Spell Pen Cap? — Elder Scrolls Online
Jul 31, 2017 · Just the typical "if you have 15280 pen against 30000 resist, you'll roughly reduce their armor mitigation from 45% to 22%". TBH, procing minor vulnerability in PvP is much better after you have 15280 pen because you'll lose out on DMG since many players will be stacking Ironclad/thick skin and elemental defender.
Is there a penetration cap? - Elder Scrolls Online
Twice fanged serpent at 5 stacks gives 4300 penetration, nearly putting you at the cap without need for many champion points into penetration (for stamina builds). Light armor passives already give you 4884 spell penetration, so magicka characters can completely forgoe a penetration set in a proper trials group.
How much self penetration should I be aiming for?
Mar 17, 2021 · For PVE: - Bosses in group dungeons have 18,200 armor, and, ideally you would like to pierce through it 1) coordinated groups normally offer Major & Minor Breach, Crusher on tanks weapon and Alcosh, so 18,200 - 5,948 - 2,947 - 1,622 - 3,000 = 4,656 2) in PUGs the Roar of Alcosh is not guaranteed, so aim for like 7,656 3) For soloing 4mans you'd ...
PVP offensive penetration (pen) cap? — Elder Scrolls Online
Jun 14, 2022 · I was fully buffed had 20K pen with 5k spell damage and tested that out vs. 5k pen plus had minor and major breach and 7k spell damage. Based on my experience going damage did better than higher pen, because higher damage against players who have high damage mitigation just works better.
The Comprehensive [ Penetration Calculator - Elder Scrolls Online
Nov 14, 2023 · Pls note that I used the old static Alkosh values as minimum. Alkosh value now depends on dmg done by the tank, so you should rather check your average pen in actual fight to adjust - if you're using alkosh. Torugs might make a comeback, make sure to adjust the value in the Combat Metrics settings, or your penetration values wont add up correctly.
Armor Penetration and how it works? — Elder Scrolls Online
Nov 12, 2018 · Hey im Tank and heading to the high end game content and what I see is that it is better to go supportiv as Tanky to some point and I do not dislike that but I wonder how the formula to spell and armor pen works whats about the caps of enemies and how much percentage those are what I saw now is a mop usually gets like 16k Armor and spell resi player cap is roundabout 3.3-3.5k im not sure ...
Spell penetration cap - Elder Scrolls Online
pve, trash mobs usually have 9100 and bosses 18200. i know vma, monsters have varying pen resistance. pvp is different per individual All group dungeon and trial NPCs (including trash and bosses) have 18200.
What spell penetration is needed for vet dungeons?
Not surprising at all. When you are well below the PVE pen cap of 18.2k, penetration is almost always your best means of boosting damage. There are diminishing returns as you get closer. Spinners is not a great trial set, because most groups coordinate penetration buffs and it …