What Does the Bible Say about the Soul? - Topical Studies
Jun 24, 2024 · Our Bible says much about the soul. The Outline of Biblical Usage states the soul is portrayed in the Bible as a living being, the seat of the appetites, emotions, and passions, …
What Is the Soul? Is It Different from the Spirit? - Zondervan …
May 15, 2018 · If Scripture clearly supported the idea that our spirit is the part of us that directly relates to God in worship and prayer, while our soul includes our intellect (thinking), our …
What Is the Difference Between a Soul and a Spirit? - Christianity
Dec 16, 2024 · The Bible reveals that while the body interacts with the physical world, the soul reflects our humanity—our thoughts, emotions, and will. The spirit, however, is the innermost …
The Difference Between Your Soul and Your Spirit - Crosswalk
Dec 9, 2020 · We assume that our soul is the same as our spirit. Biblically speaking, however, the two are different. Hebrews 4:12, for example, speaks to how the Word of God “ divides soul …
What is a Soul? (and Can it Die, Escape, or Break?) - LonerWolf
Jun 30, 2023 · To put it in a nutshell, your soul is the immaterial essence and totality of who you are at human level – it is your authentic Self. As all of life at its core level is energy, a soul is …
Soul - Wikipedia
In Helena Blavatsky's Theosophy, the soul is the field of our psychological activity (thinking, emotions, memory, desires, will, and so on) as well as of the paranormal or psychic …
Five Reasons Why Your Soul Matters - Open the Bible
Feb 15, 2019 · Your soul is the identity that makes you who you really are. It is the seat of your memory, and your feelings, and your imagination, and your convictions, and your desires, and …
What is the human soul, according to the Bible?
The human soul is that part of a person that is eternal—the part that lives on after the body dies and decays. Jesus said we were not to fear men, who can only kill the body, but not the soul …
Does the Soul Exist? Evidence Says ‘Yes’ - Psychology Today
Dec 21, 2011 · Although religions go on and on about its existence, how do we know if souls really exist? A string of new scientific experiments helps answer this ancient spiritual question. …
What Is the Human Soul and What Does it Crave? - Crosswalk
May 9, 2019 · Dallas Willard defined the soul as “the hidden or ‘spiritual’ side of a person.” He further explained that the soul includes an individual’s thoughts, feelings, and will, as well as an...