Why does the ending -ough have six pronunciations?
Jun 29, 2011 · ough = /uː/ "oo" sound: through < OE þurh; slough (n) (some varieties) According to the OED, the vowel sound used for ough in through is the result of re-stressing a vowel that …
Spelling with 'ought' or 'aught' - English Language & Usage Stack …
Mar 4, 2016 · The o forms and a forms remained distinct in Middle English because the sequences -augh-and -ough-were phonologically different; however, in some dialects in late …
A pronunciation question of slough - English Language & Usage …
Feb 22, 2017 · A rough-coated, dough-faced, thoughtful ploughman strode through the streets of Scarborough; after falling into a slough, he coughed and hiccoughed. 'Slough' isn't bolded, so …
Why isn’t the pronunciation of "though" anyhow close to the one …
Mar 11, 2015 · The graphemic sequence -ough has at least ten different pronunciations in current English (some very common, some extremely rare). Their various histories are quite complex, …
word choice - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
@Mehper: I bet you had no idea this question was going to open such a can of worms! I think it's one of those pathological cases (in the mathematical sense of one whose properties are …
Why does "ow" have two different sounds - English Language
There are lots of letter combinations in English that are not always pronounced the same. Even a simple o can be pronounced in a number of different ways, not to mention ough. There are …
English letter sequence with most pronunciations
Nov 19, 2010 · The letters -ough- can be pronounced a ridiculous number of different ways in English. Here is a possibly incomplete list: tough, enough cough, trough bough, plough …
Rule for the pronunciation of the letter O as /ʌ/ vs. /ɒ/
The sub-patterns might be used as "warning signs" to indicate which words might plausibly be pronounced with /ʌ/: e.g. if the O doesn't occur in one of the following contexts (oth, on, om, …
What is this famous example of the absurdity of English spelling?
Jun 30, 2017 · ough = ow as in "bough" olo = er as in "colonel" Sure it is weird but it is what the question is asking about. "Ce" does not give the sh sound at the beginning of a word, and "olo" …
etymology - Rules for pronouncing the “gh” sound - English …
Jul 6, 2020 · Edit: My question focuses specifically on the “gh” combination, not the pronunciation of “ough”. In my examples I gave words such as the words height and weight which contain …