Orange County Property Appraiser
Search properties by address, names, sales, property use, foreclosures, and more. Exemptions Reduce the taxable value of your Homestead property by up to $50,000.
Orange County Property Appraiser - ocpaweb.ocpafl.org
200 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 1700, Orlando, FL 32801 . 407-836-5044. Department Contacts
Orange County Property Appraiser - ocpaweb.ocpafl.org
The Orange County Property Appraiser identifies, locates, and fairly values all property (both real and personal) within the county for tax purposes.
Orange County Property Appraiser
200 S. Orange Avenue, Suite 1700, Orlando, FL 32801 . 407-836-5044. Department Contacts
Departments At Orange County Property Appraiser
Residential Field Data Specialists are responsible for the physical inspection of all properties in Orange County at least once every five years. OCPA's field specialists canvass the county …
Orange County Property Appraiser - ocpaweb.ocpafl.org
You are required to inform the Property Appraiser's Office of any change in ownership or use of the property. Failure to report a change in ownership or use of the property may result in a …
Orange County Property Appraiser
Download our most commonly used forms, like exemption, mailing address change, tangible personal property and more.
Orange County Property Appraiser - ocpaweb.ocpafl.org
Tangible Personal Property - (407) 836-5099 Exemptions - (407) 836-5949 I.T. & G.I.S. - (407) 836-5985. Commercial & Residential Real Property - (407)836-5069
Amy Mercado, Orange County Property Appraiser
The Orange County Property Appraiser is an elected Constitutional Officer, noted as an Executive County officer in the Orange County Charter, who serves the people of Orange County. Amy …
Orange County Property Appraiser - ocpaweb.ocpafl.org
If you own and occupy property in Orange County and the property is your permanent residence as of January 1, applying for a Homestead exemption could reduce the assessed value of your …