OQ 172 - Wikipedia
OQ 172 (OHIO Q 172) is a quasar [1] located in the constellation of Boötes. It has a redshift of (z) 3.544, [2] making it one of the most distant quasars at the time of its discovery by astronomers in 1973. [3] This object was the record holder for almost a decade, before being surpassed by PKS 2000-330 in 1982 located at the redshift of (z) 3 ...
Photoelectric spectrophotometry of OQ 172 and OH 471
Absolute spectral energy distributions for the large-redshift quasars OQ 172 and OH 471 are discussed along with similar data for two other quasars: 4C 05.34 and PHL 957. If the redshift are assumed to be cosmological, OQ 172 and OH 471 are not as luminous as PHL 957.
In the case of OQ 172, the ratio of La to the L feature is consistent with an optically thin nebula; if the Ls feature is really O VI, then the nebula is optically thick.
Absorption-line spectra of quasars - ScienceDirect
Jan 1, 1984 · Absorption spectra of the quasar OH 471 (z e =3.40) and OQ 172 (z e =3.53) were observed with 2-Å resolution using the Image-Photon Counting System on the 6-m telescope of the USSR Academy of Sciences. An analysis of these spectra provides an information about the absorbing material existed at earlier cosmological epochs.
Rotational Measure Structure of OQ 172 - IOPscience
At this resolution, OQ 172 shows the typical core and jet structure of a CSS quasar (Dallacasa et al. 1995), but it is slightly unusual in that the jet turns through almost 180°. The jet emission extends from the central core in a west-southwest direction and …
Spectra of the quasar OQ 172 - NASA/ADS
The 385-420-nm absorption features toward OQ 172 are characterized on the basis of spectra obtained at 2.2-A resolution using a 1000-channel video photon counter and a fast spectrograph with a 1302-line/mm grating and first-order dispersion 50 A/mm at the f/4 prime focus of the 6-m telescope of the USSR Special Astrophysical Observatory at ...
Photoelectric spectrophotometry of OQ 172 and OH 471 - OSTI.GOV
Journal Article: Photoelectric spectrophotometry of OQ 172 and OH 471. Photoelectric spectrophotometry of OQ 172 and OH 471. Full Record; Other Related Research; Authors: Oke, J B Publication Date: Mon Apr 15 00:00:00 EDT 1974
(PDF) Spectra of the Quasar OQ172 - ResearchGate
Jan 31, 1984 · Detailed observations of the spectra of the radio QSO PKS 0805 + 046 (emission-line redshift = 2.8772), obtained with the image photon counting system on the RGO spectrograph at the f/8 Cassegrain ...
VLBI observations at 18 and 2.8 CM - 0133 + 47, 0735 + 178, OH 471, OQ ...
The high-redshift QSOs OH 471 and OQ 172, the QSO 1633+38, and the steep-spectrum, low-frequency variable NRAO 667 (2147+145) were observed at 18 cm only. The effective angular resolution is ∼0".005 at 18 cm and ∼0".001 at 2.8 cm.
Photoelectric spectrophotometry of OQ 172 and OH 471
Absolute spectral energy distributions for the large redshift quasars OQ 172 and OH 471 are discussed along with similar data for two other quasars 4C05.34 and PHL 957. Assuming cosmological redshifts, OQ 172 and OH 471 are not as luminous as PHL 957.
- [PDF]
I) and OQ 172 (ref. 2) are presented here for frequencies between 16.7 M Hz and 85.3 G Hz. The spectra are complex. Both have a peak at or near 1.4 G Hz and a second peak near or above 85 GHz....
NTRS - NASA Technical Reports Server
Aug 8, 2013 · An analysis of the spectrum of the large-redshift quasi-stellar object OQ 172. Document ID. 19750030081 . Acquisition Source. Legacy CDMS . Document Type. Reprint (Version printed in journal) External Source(s) doi:10.1086/153188. Authors. Baldwin, J. …
Method of identifying absorption systems in quasar spectra. II ...
Dec 1, 1983 · According to the principle and procedure given in Ref. [I], we have identified the absorption systems in the spectrum of the high-redshift quasar OQ 172 (PKS 1442+101). Four systems were found. Their redshifts are 2.07010, 2.56312, 0.17S46 and 0.17910. 2. We have checked the model of random identification in Ref. [1] using Monte Carlo methods [2].
Probing the AGN environment - the rotation measure structure …
Nov 30, 1996 · We present multi-frequency VLBA polarimetric observations of the Compact Steep Spectrum (CSS) quasar OQ 172 in the 6 and 18 cm bands. This object was previously known to have anomalously high...
The spectral index of OQ 172 between 6 cm and 20 cm
Download scientific diagram | — The spectral index of OQ 172 between 6 cm and 20 cm. Since the two frequencies yielded images of different resolutions, the 6 cm image had to be remade with a ...
An analysis of the spectrum of the large-redshift quasi-stellar …
The quasi-stellar object OQ 172, with z = 3.53, has been observed in detail with the image-dissector spectrum scanner on the Lick 120-inch (3-m) telescope. A list is given of 175 absorption lines; considerable line blending is still present.
Photoelectric Spectrophotometry of OQ 172 and OH 471
Absolute spectral energy distributions for the large-redshift quasars OQ 172 and OH 471 are discussed along with similar data for two other quasars: 4C 05.34 and PHL 957. If the redshifts are assumed to be cosmological, OQ 172 and OH 471 are not as luminous as PHL 957.
A method of identifiying absorption systems in quasar spectra. I ...
Sep 1, 1983 · Our identification of absorption systems in the quasars OQ 172, [4,6], has reliably determined one such at z = 3.3528 supported by the hydrogen lines Lα-Lε. Analysis shows it to be a primitive hydrogen cloud formed after the big bang.
High-Redshift Molecular Clouds and Absorption-Line Spectra
The optical spectra of distant quasars (OQ 172, PHL 957, PKS 0237-233 and 11 others) were reanalysed with the purpose of searching molecular lines /2, 4/.
(PDF) VLBI observations at 18 and 2.8 cm - ResearchGate
Jul 1, 1980 · OQ 172 is highly elongated, suggestive of either a jet or an unresolved double, while NRAO 667 is found to contain at least two components plus a more diffuse "halo." The sizes of …