Nous Ai
Our AI-driven data model monitors the network 24/7, delivering actionable insights by detecting projects with high potential for success.
Nous AI
Nous AI finds, organises and helps people discover exceptional insights from world-class experts, and enables businesses to make the most out of their knowledge.
Our primary focus areas include model architecture, data synthesis, fine-tuning, and reasoning, all aimed at aligning AI systems with real-world user experiences.
Introduction | Nous AI
At Nous AI, our mission is to make AI-powered data analysis accessible to all investors, providing timely signals and smart investment opportunities that maximize profits while minimizing risk. We want to automate the complex decision-making process …
Our Data-Model | Nous AI
Nous AI has developed an advanced, AI-driven model that continuously analyzes token transactions across the entire crypto network, operating 24/7. From the moment a project launches, our model tracks its activity, identifying early signs of hype or momentum.
Nous AI for Business
Nous AI for Business enables organisations to make the most out of their collective intelligence and memory.
Nous’ Bag | Nous AI
Nous is built around an AI-based, data-driven model that identifies projects with emerging hype. When a project is flagged by the model, Nous uses its investment pool to make strategic early-stage investments, aiming to capitalize on these promising opportunities.
Nous AI - LinkedIn
Nous AI finds, organises and helps people discover exceptional insights from world-class experts, and enables organisations to make the most out of their collective intelligence and memory....
AI powering innovation and productivity | Nous Group
Nov 28, 2023 · An enterprise-grade implementation of ChatGPT and a natural language interface to our data warehouse are some of the ways Nous Group is using generative AI.
avoir - Conjugaison du verbe avoir - Le Conjugueur
nous avions vous aviez ils avaient. Plus-que-parfait. j'avais eu tu avais eu il avait eu nous avions eu vous aviez eu ils avaient eu. Passé simple. j'eus tu eus il eut nous eûmes vous eûtes ils eurent. Passé antérieur. j'eus eu tu eus eu il eut eu nous eûmes eu vous eûtes eu ils eurent eu. Futur simple. j'aurai tu auras il aura
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