Nebulon-C escort frigate | Wookieepedia | Fandom
The Nebulon-C escort frigate was a type of frigate used by the New Republic and later by the Resistance during the First Order-Resistance War. It was a successor model to the EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate.
Anodyne (Nebulon-C) - Wookieepedia
The Anodyne was a modified Nebulon-C escort frigate that served in the New Republic Defense Fleet and later the Resistance navy during its conflict with the First Order. Originally decommissioned by the New Republic, the Anodyne was transferred to a Resistance-friendly salvage yard for repairs.
Nebulon-series (starship) | Wookieepedia | Fandom
The Nebulon-series, also known as the Nebulon frigate series, was a line of frigates manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards and used by a variety of factions throughout history. The EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate was deployed by the Galactic Empire, …
The Anodyne | Star Wars Databank | StarWars.com
A converted New Republic Nebulon-C frigate, the Anodyne serves the Resistance as a hospital ship. Despite this role, its military capabilities are intact and it often carries a complement of starfighters.
Nebulon-C Escort Frigate - Star Wars Canon/Disney Wiki
The Nebulon C Escort Frigate was a frigate in service to the New Republic Starfleet and the Resistance Navy. One such ship, the Anodyne, was decommissioned by the New Republic and later served the Resistance Navy as a Medical Frigate up until its destruction in 34 ABY when it ran out of fuel and...
RPGGamer.org (Starships D6 / Nebulon-C Frigate)
The Nebulon-C escort frigate was a type of frigate used by the New Republic and later by the Resistance during the First Order–Resistance war. The Nebulon-C was a class of frigates built by Kuat Drive Yards.
Nebulon-C-Eskortfregatte | Jedipedia | Fandom
Die Nebulon-C-Eskortfregatte war eine Fregattenklasse, die die Kuat-Triebwerkswerften nach dem Ende des Galaktischen Bürgerkriegs für die Neue Republik als größeres Nachfolgemodell der EF76-Nebulon-B-Eskortfregatte produzierte. Durch ihre Maße galt sie auch als Kreuzer.
Nebulon-C-class | Starwars: Shattered Empire Wiki | Fandom
Nebulon-C Series Model Nebulon-C-class Class Frigate Technical specifications; Length 549.17m Engine unit(s) KDY Ion Engines Hyperdrive rating Class 2.0 Class 12.0 (Backup) Hyperdrive range 9 Grid per Turn 4 Grid Per Turn (Backup) Power plant 100% Shielding 2197 DSS. Hull 1373 SDU. Sensor systems
Nebulon-C Escort Frigate (Canon) | Wiki | Star Wars Amino
The Nebulon-C class frigate was a model of frigate used by the Resistance during their battle against the First Order. History. The Nebulon-C frigate was used by the Resistance during the battle of D'Qar. The Anodyne, a customized Nebulon-C frigate, was part of the Resistance fleet that was present during the battle.
Nebulon-C Escort Frigate | Star Wars Fan Stories Wiki | Fandom
The Nebulon-C Escort Frigate was a model of frigate designed by Kuat Drive Yards as a successor ship to the EF76 Nebulon-B Escort Frigate. After the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War, the EF76 Nebulon-B Escort Frigate had become one of the most famous ships in both the Imperial and Rebel...