Mar 31, 2023 · Northside ISD Boundary! Elementary School" Middle School # High School 2023-24 School Locator Map Schools and Facilities Map 210-397-8589 (Attendance Area Information) 210-397-8500 (Main Switchboard) www.nisd.net Northside Independent School District 3/31/2023. Title: LocatorMap_allFacilities_202324.mxd
Schools | Northside Independent School District
Our Boundaries and Buses Information System will provide you with the name and address of the schools serving your area. Just enter the student’s street number and street name to search for school assignment, bus route information, and any future Board adopted boundary changes.
Attendance Boundaries - Northwest Independent School District - nisdtx.org
The tool presents families with a color-coded Google map featuring each school zone for the indicated campus level – elementary, middle and high. Families can also type in their address to immediately see their zoned schools by campus level as well as links for the school’s email address and website along with district enrollment and ...
Google Maps
Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.
Home - Boundaries And Buses
Select the street name carefully, as there may be streets with similar spellings. For example, TIMBERHILL and TIMBER HILL are in fact two different streets. For school boundary questions, please direct inquiries to (210) 397-8796. Please direct any bus/transportation questions to the bus station serving your child.
Map of Northside Independent School District High School …
An Interactive Map and Data for Northside Independent School District, Texas High School Attendance Zones
Map of Northside Independent School District Elementary School ...
An Interactive Map and Data for Northside Independent School District, Texas Elementary School Attendance Zones
Mar 28, 2024 · Northside ISD Boundary! Elementary School" Middle School # High School 2024-25 School Locator Map Schools and Facilities Map 210-397-8589 (Attendance Area Information) 210-397-8500 (Main Switchboard) www.nisd.net Northside Independent School District 3/28/2024. Title: LocatorMap_allFacilities_202425.mxd
MAP Assessments - Northwest Independent School District - nisdtx.org
MAP is a nationally normed, adaptive achievement test. Nationally normed assessments compare your child to other typical students in the same grade, tested at the same point in the school year, across the nation.
Attendance boundaries for 2023-2024 approved | Details
Following school board approval on January 23, Northwest ISD has finalized 2023-2024 attendance boundaries that will best balance the student populations at schools across the district during a period of unprecedented growth.