National Cybersecurity Authority - NCA
Saudi Arabia has cemented its position as a cybersecurity leader, securing the highest ranking in the United Nations Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) 2024. The International Telecommunication Union recognized Saudi Arabia's exceptional performance, classi...
NCA - الهيئة الوطنية للأمن السيبراني
الهيئة الوطنية للأمن السيبراني هي الجهة المختصة في المملكة بالأمن السيبراني، والمرجع الوطني في شؤونه، وتهدف إلى تعزيزه؛ حماية للمصالح الحيوية للدولة وأمنها الوطني والبنى التحتية الحساسة والقطاعات ذات الأولوية ...
The National Cybersecurity Strategy - NCA
With the ambition of creating an integrated cybersecurity system in Saudi Arabia, NCA – through the National Cybersecurity Strategy – is working to achieve six main goals
NCA? • Regulate the cybersecurity sector in the Kingdom to contribute in: • Creating a suitable ecosystem to attract and stimulate local and international investments • Enhancing the level of provided services • Supporting small & medium enterprises • Encouraging innovation in cybersecurity 2.What are the registration steps? 1.
About NCA
The National Cybersecurity Authority (NCA) was established in 2017 by The Royal Order that links it directly to His Majesty, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, to be the national authority in charge of cybersecurity in the Kingdom, and the national reference in all its affairs.
Cybersecurity Toolkits - NCA
Overview. The cybersecurity toolkits are an explanatory templates for cybersecurity policies, standards, governance documents and procedures that contribute to create robust mechanisms to reduce renewable cybersecurity risks at organizations.
“NCA”) developed the essential cybersecurity controls (ECC – 1: 2018) after conducting a comprehensive study of multiple national and international cybersecurity frameworks and standards, studying related national decisions, law and regulatory requirements, reviewing
“NCA”) fulfill the strategic and regulatory cybersecurity needs related to the development of national cybersecurity policies, governance mechanisms, frameworks, standards, controls, and guidelines in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Regulations Documents - NCA
About NCA. Vision and Mission; National Cybersecurity Strategy; Cyber Regulations and Operations. Regulatory Documents; Registrations and Licensing; Cyber Industry Development. Educational Programs; Qualifying and Training Cyber Cadres; Encouraging Innovation, Research, and Investment; National Cybersecurity Academy;
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia National Cybersecurity Strategy - NCA
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia National Cybersecurity Strategy - NCA