19,662 Violators of Residence, Work, Border Security Regulations ...
The Ministry of Interior said that campaigns to detect individuals who violate residency, labor, and border security regulations. More
أكد المتحدث الأمني لوزارة الداخلية، العقيد طلال بن عبدالمحسن بن شلهوب، خلال مشاركته في الجلسة الحوارية “التكامل والتشارك في الجهود الإعلامية بمنظومة الحج”، في مؤتمر
About MOI - وزارة الداخلية
To submit a report or security information to the Ministry of Interior, call (991). Or fax: 011-4052579. Or call emergency number (911), in Riyadh, Makkah and Eastern Province regions. Email: ([email protected])
About MOI - وزارة الداخلية
The Ministry of Interior (MOI) bears the responsibility to serve citizens and residents, achieving security, stability, and tranquility. The history and formation of the MOI and its various sections passed through phases of administrative development and organization.
About MOI - وزارة الداخلية
To activate your account in MOI portal (ABSHER). Please follow the below steps:-• Visit Alawwal website www.alawwalbank.co. • Login to Alawwal Online using your Username and Password. • Click on MOI Payment from the main menu. • Click on ABSHER Registration. • View your personal information and click submit to proceed.
About MOI - وزارة الداخلية
Achieve security and stability Kingdom-wide, provide tranquility and safety for the citizens and and fight against all means of crime to ensure the safety of Saudi society and its development. Ensure safety of Pilgrims in order to perform their rituals safely.
19,662 Violators of Residence, Work, Border Security Regulations ...
The Ministry of Interior said that campaigns to detect individuals who violate residency, labor, and border security regulations. More
About MOI - وزارة الداخلية
Achieve security and stability Kingdom-wide, provide tranquility and safety for the citizens and and fight against all means of crime to ensure the safety of Saudi society and its development. Ensure safety of Pilgrims in order to perform their rituals safely.
Contact Us - وزارة الداخلية
To communicate with MOI, please call:0114011111; To communicate with Absher’s e-services technical support staff, please call: 920020405
Nationals - وزارة الداخلية
Through its Absher services, the MOI e-portal aims to provide a one-stop platform to facilitate access and getting benefit from e-services offered by the MOI and its various sectors for Saudi nationals.