Mini Dovii | How I Successfully Kept Them Alive! - Life Of Fish
Jan 29, 2022 · Mini Dovii is a rather uncommon Mexican species that have red spotting across its entire body, even as a juvenile. Mini Dovii earns its reputation as a beautiful and colorful fish and has great potential to be a centerpiece fish in an aquarium. As the name suggests it is actually a miniature Dovii Cichlid.
23 Predatory & Aggressive Freshwater Fish For Your Tank
Mar 5, 2025 · 23. Mini Dovii. The Mini Dovii is a rare fish with a lot to offer. Also known as the Sieve Cichlid, these fish make beautiful additions to the right tank. The body of the fish is covered in red dots. What’s interesting about this coloration is that the dots look almost uniform.
Mini Dovii Cichlid | What fish can I put him with, tank mates ... - YouTube
May 24, 2021 · The Sieve Cichlid (Chiapaheros grammodes), also known as the Mini Dovii Cichlid, is a Mexican species that is lesser known than many other neotropical cichlids. It is most known for its large...
Dovii Cichlid Care Guide | MonsterFishKeepers.com
Nov 3, 2018 · Identification: The dovii cichlid can be identified by a few main features. Parachromis cichlids are deep bodied, with menacing teeth and a mouth that comes to more of a point (almost like that of a dog) .
Sieve Cichlid - Cichlasoma grammodes - Aquatic Community
Common name: Mini-dovii; Sieve cichlid Family: Cichlidae Order: Perciformes Class: Actinopterygii Maximum size: 30 cm / 12 inches Environment: freshwater Origin: Mexico to Guatemala Temperament: Aggressive Company: Cichlasoma grammodes (Sieve cichlid) is very aggressive and should only be kept with other fishes in very large aquariums.
Chiapaheros grammodes | Cichlid Fish Forum
Jun 25, 2018 · Sometimes called a 'Mini Dovii' there is a LOT of attitude in this smaller growing, but quite predatory Guapote'! They are difficult to breed but not impossible. Males can be rough on females, so a partial tank divider may be the only way to keep the female alive inside the confines of a six foot long aquarium.
Wolf Cichlid (dovii cichlid): Care, Size, Tank Mates… - Epic …
Sep 26, 2022 · Discover Wolf Cichlid water parameters and disease. This care guide shows everything you need to consider before keeping Dovii Cichlid in your aquarium.
Anyone kept Barton's Cichlid? - MonsterFishKeepers.com
Jun 30, 2016 · They could easily be called a mini-dovii, equally as much as grammodes is. After mine spawned 3 times, I gave them to another club member who put them in a 55 because they were fairly small (5" male 3" female) in such a small tank, the pair bond broke and the male immediately killed the female.
Lesser Wolf or Mini Dovii Cichlid Freshwater Fish
aka: Mini Dovii Cichlid, Aztec Cichlid, Dwarf Jaguar Cichlid, Dwarf Managuense Cichlid. Now, here’s where it gets tricky……Nandopsis managuense bares markings bluntly similar to Cichlasoma Grammodes. Its spotted pattern sets it apart and makes it a unique addition to any large, freshwater aquarium.
Grammodes cichlid for sale the mini Dovii Chiapaheros grammodes
Native to rivers in Mexico and Guatemala, the vibrant Chiapaheros grammodes cichlid makes a lively addition to community tanks when provided with ample space and water conditions …