Muslim Girls Training - Wikipedia
Muslim Girls Training & General Civilization Class (MGT & GCC) is the all-female training program of the Nation of Islam. It is often considered to be the counterpart for girls and women to the Fruit of Islam. Louis Farrakhan as head of the Nation of Islam is over MGT & GCC and appoints the MGT & GCC National Sister Captain.
MGT & GCC - Muhammad Mosque No. 7C
Muslim Girl Training and General Civilization Class (MGT & GCC) is the name given to the training of women and girls in North America by Master Fard Muhammad. Training and classes focus on teaching how to keep house, how to take care of their children and husbands, sew, cook, and how to act at home and abroad.
Join the M.G.T. and G.C.C. – Muhammad Mosque No. 7
What is the Meaning of M.G.T. and G.C.C.? Muslim Girls’ Training and General Civilization Class. This was the name given to the Training of women and girls in North America–how to keep house, how to rear their children, how to take care of their husbands, sew, cook and, in general, how to act at home and abroad.
MGT Class Online
Click Here to view your M.G.T. Class Curriculum for this semester! To contribute to you r National M.G.T. Administration Fund Click Here. To apply to the Mother Tynnetta Muhammad Scholarship Program Click Here.
M.G.T. Class Online
"The M.G.T. & G.C.C.: I can sit on top of the world and tell everyone that the most beautiful Nation is in the wilderness of North America. But do not let me catch any sister other than herself in regards to living the Life and weighing properly." ~Supreme Wisdom Lessons. CLICK HERE FOR SUPPORT. "The M.G.T. & G.C.C.:
MGT - Atlantic City NOI
Muslim Girl Training and General Civilization Class (MGT & GCC) is the name given to the training of women and girls in North America by Master Fard Muhammad. Training and classes focus on teaching how to keep house, how to take care of their children and husbands, sew, cook, and how to act at home and abroad.
Join the M.G.T & G.C.C. — NOI Los Angeles
Muslim Girls’ Training and General Civilization Class. This was the name given to the Training of women and girls in North America–how to keep house, how to rear their children, how to take care of their husbands, sew, cook and, in general, how to act at home and abroad. What is the meaning of MGT & GCC? (Updated 2022 Version)
What is the meaning of MGT & GCC? (Updated 2022 Version)
Sep 19, 2022 · This video breaks down what an M.G.T & G.C.C is (Muslim girls in training & general civilization classes) To watch this full lecture, click here:https://medi...
About Us - Atlanta MGT & GCC
We are Atlanta Muslim Girls In Training and General Civilization Class. We train women and girls on how to keep house, how to rear their children, how to take care of their husbands, sew, cook, and in general, how to act at home and abroad. What is the meaning of MGT & GCC? (Updated 2022 Version) - YouTube. What is the meaning of MGT & GCC?
Atlanta MGT & GCC
We are the Atlanta Muslim Girls in Training and General Civilization Class… “If God is going to make a new world and a better world, He is going to make that world coming through a woman.”