The Easy Way to Raise Mealworms. - BackYard Chickens
Jun 16, 2023 · The mealworms came from Uncle Jim’s Worm Farm in a bag of one thousand. The wheat bran we bought was from Amazon but now I get it from Azure Standards. First, dump the wheat bran in the tank until it is about one inch tall.
How To Raise Mealworms - BackYard Chickens
Jan 11, 2012 · 3. Add some mealworms, the more the better and the faster the start-up will be. I recommend starting with at least 1000 for a container the size of a 10 gal. aquarium. 4. Add some vegetable matter. I use potatoes, carrots, apple peals, celery stumps, watermelon rinds, whatever kinds of scraps are available. Feed them as often as you'd like.
Feeding Dried Mealworms To Your Chickens
Feb 9, 2022 · Feeding mealworms is most useful during the molting season. Molting depletes the bird of a large amount of protein. Molting causes the body to use a tremendous amount of protein to replace the old feathers with new feathers and puts a strain on health.
Mealworms for Ducks? | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise …
Feb 4, 2012 · My ducks LOVE mealworms! I have been feeding them the dried mealworms since they were in the brooder. I've found that the dried ones are cheaper at Lowes (home improvement store) in the wild bird section. The ducks like them more than the peas (unfortunately, they are more expensive!!).
Mealworms For Quails ...ok? - BackYard Chickens
Jun 4, 2009 · Waxworms Rainbow Mealworms Rainbow Giants Superworms Waxworms . Reply. Jan 17, 2011 #2 JJMR794 Crowing.
When can I start feeding chicks treats like seeds, meal worms, etc ...
Jul 3, 2011 · pretty sure they'd get enough grit from the soil the grass is attatched to so no additional grit should be needed and by leaving the grass in the big clump keeps them from getting too much grass at a time, they kind of just pick off it so just little bits at a time are consumed...I can't wait to hear how your chickies like it, mine just go nuts!
Has Anyone Figured out How Much it Costs to Grow Mealworms?
Feb 2, 2015 · And, the mealworms could go through a canister pretty quickly. Then I'd have to dump it out and open a fresh canister and.....the costs kept going up. Then there was having to feed them: potatoes, apples, carrots. I draw the line at buying food at the grocery store for my chickens - yet there I was feeding the mealworms food that I had had to buy.
Source for US made dried mealworms? - BackYard Chickens
Oct 8, 2013 · I would suggest looking into dried black soldier flies as an alternative to mealworms. I searched all over for USA dried mealworms with no luck. Apparently, it is something that is so dirt cheap to import, that there just isn't a US market for them. The black soldier flies are a …
Mealworms and baby chicks - BackYard Chickens
Aug 9, 2009 · Mealworms were my first snack offered at 3 wks old for my big chicks and banties. They LOVE them. I also offered scrambled eggs mixed up into tiny pieces the same size as the meal worms. They LOVED them as well. I think it is so helpful to have your chicks used to you, picking them up, lots of calm handling.
What's the deal with Chinese mealworms? - BackYard Chickens
Apr 14, 2020 · I went to their site to learn more, but beyond highlighting a lot of testimonials that mention this ("So glad to buy my chooks a snack that's not from China!" etc.) I didn't see them explain why this is an issue. I searched this site, too, and didn't find any answers, just positive comments about the company not using mealworms from China.