Why Do I Have Lynx Ears, What Breed Am I - TheCatSite.com
Mar 23, 2017 · Hi, I got 3 weeks old kitten.. now she turned to 5 weeks old. Her look completely changed! What breed is she? I will add some pics of her.. She has lynx styl ears !!
Why Do I Have Lynx Ears, What Breed Am I - TheCatSite.com
Apr 23, 2017 · I adopted a stray cat with tuffs on his ears, gray tabby domestic short hair. I know nothing about his history, but his personality definitely has some interesting and notable traits. He was about 6 to 8 months old when we got him, at which point he weighted 8 pounds. He’s pushing 12-13 pounds at 11-13 months old.
Which Cat Breeds With Ear Lynx? | TheCatSite
Apr 24, 2018 · Which Cat Breeds With Ear Lynx? Thread starter San1406; Start Date Apr 25, 2018; Apr 25, 2018 #1 San1406
Tufts behind his ears? | TheCatSite
Sep 8, 2015 · The ear tufts associated with Maine Coons are at the tip of the ear, also known as "lynx tips." Many longhaired cats (and some shorthairs) have small lynx tips, but Maine Coons can have thicker and longer lynx tips than other cats. Very large lynx tips, as in the picture below, would suggest Maine Coon ancestry.
Short haired tabby with lynx tufts - what is he? | TheCatSite
Jan 10, 2016 · Spock is about 4 years old - we’ve had him since he was two, and people have mentioned he’s a strange looking cat. He’s a short haired tabby but he’s got these tufts coming out the top of his ears - I’ve never seen that on a short haired cat before. Is it possible he’s something other than your run of the mill shelter mix?
Lynx Point Siamese – A Fun Fact Extravaganza - TheCatSite.com
May 29, 2023 · A Blue Lynx Point Siamese Soaking up Nature's Beauty. This blue lynx point Siamese is lounging leisurely on a green blanket of grass, the cat's vibrant blue eyes contrast dramatically with its pale coat. The tabby patterns on the ears and tail, characteristic of the lynx point variety, are subtly visible. A Seal Lynx Point Staring Into The Distance
Kitten's ears curl just slightly at the very tips | TheCatSite
Jun 3, 2016 · The last kitten is btw almost surely a point alike momma, lynx point and white bi-color. Having this lotsa of white in the face, we dont se clearly the usual masque. And a new interesting question from you.
Behind ear and toe tufts | TheCatSite
Sep 6, 2020 · Lilly appears to be seal lynx point (tabby point) in color, and I agree that she appears to be a domestic longhair. She is not lilac point; that is a much lighter color. She has toe tufts because she's a longhaired cat. The extra long hair behind the ears is sometimes seen on longhaired cats, but isn't a feature of any specific breed.
Norwegian Forest Cat – A Comprehensive Guide To The Breed
Nov 4, 2011 · Comparison to the Lynx and Size Details. Spot a Norwegian Forest Cat in the woods, and you might think it's a Lynx. The wild look, patterned coat, and tufted ears are similar. However, the Norwegian Forest Cat is much smaller. Adult males weigh 14-16 pounds, and females weigh 8-12 pounds. They reach full growth and maturity at 3-4 years old.
Ear Tufts On DSH Cats? | TheCatSite
Jan 4, 2009 · My theory on the function of tufts on cats ears (like the Lynx) is that it is an adaptation to aid in locating and tracking prey or carrion based on smell. Unlike whiskers, which have a small cross-sectional area and produce very …