Leica GS18 I GNSS RTK Rover - Leica Geosystems
Introducing Leica GS18 I, a versatile, survey-grade GNSS RTK rover with Visual Positioning. Designed for surveying professionals to measure points which previously could not be …
Leica GS18 T GNSS RTK Rover
You can forget the bubble when you use the Leica GS18 T. It is the original truly tilt compensating GNSS solution that is immune to magnetic disturbances and is calibration-free. The sensor …
Leica GS18 GNSS RTK Rover
The Leica GS18 is a self-learning GNSS smart antenna. GS18 inherits all features of the Leica GS18 T except tilt compensation. However, the GS18 grows with your business: upgrade it to …
Leica GS18 T – World’s Fastest GNSS RTK Rover
You no longer need to hold the pole vertical to level the bubble with the new Leica GS18 T, the fastest and easiest-to-use GNSS smart antenna and RTK rover. This latest innovation …
GNSS-RTK-Rover Leica GS18 T mit Neigungkompensation - Leica …
Mit Leica GS18 T hat die Libelle ausgedient. Das Messsystem mit echter Neigungskompensation ist immun gegenüber magnetischen Störeinflüssen und bedarf keine Kalibrierung. Die …
Leica GS18 I GNSSMóvil RTK - Leica Geosystems
Presentamos el Leica GS18 I, un móvil GNSS RTK versátil de calidad topográfica con Posicionamiento mediante Imágenes. Diseñado para que los profesionales del ámbito de la …
Leica GS18 I GNSS RTK ローバー | Leica Geosystems
Leica GS18 I は、ビジュアル・ポジショニング機能を装備した汎用性の高い測量用GNSS 受信アンテナです。今まで測量者がGNSSローバーで容易に、または正確に計測できなかった点を …
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Leica GS18 I
Leica GS18 I Data sheet leica-geosystems.com Innovative The Leica GS18 I is an accurate and easy to use GNSS RTK Rover. It utilises highly innovative Visual Positioning technology based …
How does it work? What makes it different? | Leica Geosystems
Like the Leica Viva GS16, the Leica GS18 T is a self-learning GNSS Smart Antenna with a high-class performance. This adaptive measurement engine with RTKplus provides measurement …
Leica GS18 T – le mobile GNSS temps réel le plus rapide au monde
Le Leica GS18 T est le mobile GNSS temps réel le plus simple et le plus rapide au monde. Il vous permet de gagner un temps considérable puisque qu'il n'est plus nécessaire de caler votre …